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Scariest and Best Sprites...


Meh, title is kinda dull but whatever, anyways a thread to talk about your favourite/least favourite/ most comical/ most realistic w/e looking POKEMON sprite...
If there is a topic on this my apologies, but the search button isn't working for me, could be my connection though, anyways:

The scariest.. sprite in my opinion, is the ORIGINAL R/B/Y Golbat Sprite... WTF is up with that thing? o.o

I like the shiny butterfree Emerald sprite though, it's soo... different...



< Ho ho ho
All of Green Version's sprites were hideous

latino heat

Mexican pride
Green version Mew period.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I think Red's Dragonite is, he looks drunk in that game! (I think its red)

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
Green had messed up sprites, everyone looked stringy for some reason.

Ludicolo Master

Coolest Avvie yet!
Ive made a script for both.

Doctor:what do you need?
Mew: plastic surgery.
Doctor: *looks up at mew and faints*
Mew:what's wrong?

Male wobbufett:I'm going to do a sex change today,Yeah.
Other male Wobbufet's:0_o
*next day*
just a Wobbufett with lipstick.
The male(now female)wobbufett:how'd it look?
Other male wobbufett's: @_@
