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sceptile question


Beginning Trainer
i have a sceptile in netbattle that is like this

Jolly Sceptile@salac berry
252 speed/252 Special attack/ 6 special Defense
leaf blade
HP ice
agility/T-punch/quick attack(for reversalers)

i went against someone who had leech seed sceptile, but leech seed is illegal how did they get leech seed?
lol Leech Seed illegal on Sceptile

It learns the move through breeding.

btw, your moveset sucks. Standard is:

Sceptile @ Leftovers
Timid Nature
-Leech Seed
-Leaf Blade
-Hidden Power Ice/Hidden Power Fire (Salamence or Skarm, take your pick)


prophecy fulfilled
crunch + leech seed is an illegal move combination on sceptile, that is why it says it is illegal on your netbattle team builder


leech seed
focus punch
leaf blade
@ leftovers

is the best sceptile, which also 6-0'd the above poster with ease


I personally like Leech Seed/Sub/Leef Blade/Thunder Punch. T-Punch kills Skrm and has a 75 power to HP's 70.