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Scott's Trade Shop for Bankballs and 5IV Pokemon

What do you want to see from my shop?

  • More 5IV Pokemon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More Bankball Pokemon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More services

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A deal? (eg. Get a free bankball Pokemon with every order)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe a giveaway?

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Other (pm with details)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hello, there! I just got X, so I don't have much to offer, but I just got a Female Speed Boost Torchic that I would be willing to trade for a Moon Ball Absol, but could you bring the 5 IV's to 6, simply because I like to throw Fire Blast on my Mega Absol due to it's boosted Sp.Atk stat. I would like it to have a Lonely Nature with the Egg Move Play Rough. If you would, do you mind trading it to me in an egg? I like being the OT of my Pokémon. If it doesn't come out right I will PM you.
No deal. I already have HA Torchic for a start and the deal is just really one sided. Breeding a 6IV Pokemon is really hard but on top of that you want a rebreed of the nature and to have it in your OT. That's legitimately that hard AND time consuming and i don't even get a worthwhile reward
Maybe you'll have luck elsewhere, sorry


Back from the Dead
No deal. I already have HA Torchic for a start and the deal is just really one sided. Breeding a 6IV Pokemon is really hard but on top of that you want a rebreed of the nature and to have it in your OT. That's legitimately that hard AND time consuming and i don't even get a worthwhile reward
Maybe you'll have luck elsewhere, sorry




Pokemon Breeder
Hey... I was just wondering what the status on that Dream Ball female Swablu was(HA if possible)? It's been a while and I haven't heard anything, and I've had that Inkay ready since I first left a message here...

Sorry if I'm being impatient, I guess I just didn't think it would take so long to breed a female in a dream ball, since I don't need any IVs or anything bred onto it and the Swablu female rate isn't unreasonable last I checked. I know you've been busy with other requests and life as well, but I'd like to at least know how close we are to being able to trade.


New Member
Hello, just wondering if you are still interested in our trade, sorry have been inactive for a little while

Hey... I was just wondering what the status on that Dream Ball female Swablu was(HA if possible)? It's been a while and I haven't heard anything, and I've had that Inkay ready since I first left a message here...

Sorry if I'm being impatient, I guess I just didn't think it would take so long to breed a female in a dream ball, since I don't need any IVs or anything bred onto it and the Swablu female rate isn't unreasonable last I checked. I know you've been busy with other requests and life as well, but I'd like to at least know how close we are to being able to trade.

Sorry guys, I haven't had much time lately and I have forgotten about it, will have them ready by Sunday


Pokemon Breeder
Alright, Sunday works, but I'll be checking the forums between now and then occasionally just in case. =)


Pokémon Breeder
Been on vacation for a week, but still have that Jolly Meditite ready for your Timid Female Misdreavus. When can you trade?


Hey sorry, my meesages don't seem to be sending
FC: 0404-6867-5619
IGN: Liam

Would a non-HA male be okay with the HA male? Just checking as I have both available right now, the male is leveled but only in the daycare


New Member
Hey sorry, my meesages don't seem to be sending
FC: 0404-6867-5619
IGN: Liam

Would a non-HA male be okay with the HA male? Just checking as I have both available right now, the male is leveled but only in the daycare

That's fine, online now

Pokeman Man

The Real Slim Shady
Are you able to do cloneback trades? I have a level 100 shiny Timid Shaymin in a Premier Ball, and I'm interested in Giratina.

Pokeman Man

The Real Slim Shady
Cloneback is where I would lend you my Pokemon, you clone a copy for yourself, and then you give me back the original as well as a clone of your Giratina. In the end, we both end up with one of the Shaymin and Giratina.


New Member
Cloneback is where I would lend you my Pokemon, you clone a copy for yourself, and then you give me back the original as well as a clone of your Giratina. In the end, we both end up with one of the Shaymin and Giratina.

Nope sorry, I don't have a PowerSave


New Member
i am interested in your 2012MAY Darkrai, could give you one of the following events:

germany: WIN2011 Celebi/Entei/Raikou/Suiucune, EUSMR09 Regigigas, SO2010 Jirachi, HRB2010 Mew