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Yeah, baby!

Top ones are scratch, bottom ones are for comparin'.

As you see, I am starting off with ball-like pokemon, becos I suck at scratching. The Oddish is my fave, but I think it's pose is kinda dumb and it's feet are too big. I think the Igglybuff looks too much like it's game sprite, and I don't like the Natu's pose/design very much.

Please C and/or C.
Igglybuff's feet look too big, its "hair"
looks too big, and it looks bumpy. Oddish's eyes are too close, its feet are too big and they look diamond shaped. The feather on Natu's head looks a bit too wide. Other than that, they're pretty good.


look a portkey!
good job keep it up and you might get a raze ( chuckel chuckel )


This Place is Death.
The Oddish is best, IMO. It's just cute and has a nice pose. I should attempt to scratch some already-made Pokemon...*shudders at thought*


Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
The Oddish is best, IMO. It's just cute and has a nice pose. I should attempt to scratch some already-made Pokemon...*shudders at thought*

I agree, oddish is best, its cute and in a good position. The next one along is 2nd best I'd say, I like its smirk :)