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Screaming plant

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Contaminated KFC
Its just gone 02:10 am, I've got me a case of insomnia, and I'm feelin' bored.

...I don't think there will ever be a more appropriate time to start a thread like this.



Well-Known Member
Feed Me seymour! That is awesome. Pokemon style little shop of horrors anyone?

This pic looks profesional. The shading and detail is imply beautiful. One little criticism. There is something kind of odd about the drool drop.


Chaotic Dreamer
Nice, kinda creepy but it looks great.


Flame Haze SnS

Looks pretty weird, but the art is great, Kudos to ya!
Hukuzo said:
Almost as good as Tokemon.
LMFAO. I remember that!

I must say that I love your new style, Gravy. The one you've been using since I don't know when. XD. It's very, very funny. This Victreebel reminds me of the rabid Vicky we used to love so much... but much more wicked. :D

Another funny and awesome piece for your gallery. I'll be looking forward for more. Keep it up! :D


Custom User Title
Lmao. I suppose this was inspired by the conversation in animé?

Man, Utsubot already sounds insane, but you did an exceptional job capturing that psychotic look as well. XD And the shading and coloring are top notch, as always.


This is so freakin' sweet! XP That is one awesome Victreebel! The coloring is amazing and I love how you did the background. Great work!



Whoa, your art style is amazing Gravy, great work! ^_^

I was checking some of your other pieces and I love what I see. I think your an exceptional artist, your art is very official looking with a bunch of humor as an added bonus.

Keep up the great work! :D


Well-Known Member
Gah! *jumps out of seat*

Whoa, really creepy. But nice shading and lineart and background and *gulp* great way to scare people. ^^;;

well, it IS nice..eheheheheh...

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