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Scythe Team

This is my Scythe-based team. keep in mind i don't EV train, and only look at natures.i also generally center around sweepers(thats why this isnt in competitive).you'll notice i like night slash

Swords Dance
Baton Pass

;141;Kabutops@Choice Band
Stone Edge
Night Slash

;254;Sceptile@Choice Specs
Modest/Timid(still cant decide)
Energy Ball
Dragon Pulse
Focus Blast
Leaf Storm

;359;Absol@...Scope Lens(I like it)
Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Swords Dance/ Quick Attack

Adamant/Careful/Jolly(i want to fulfill different roles, still not sure)
Close Combat
Leaf Blade
Psycho Cut
Since Gallade doesnt have great speed, T-wave slows the enemy down.Leaf Blade for Physical grass

;445;Garchomp@Choice Band
Dragon Claw
Fire Fang

Thank you in advance, I'll accept any help
*1st thread*weeeee!
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< My new shiny
This is my Scythe-based team. keep in mind i don't EV train, andonly look at natures.i also generally center around sweepers(thats why this isnt in competitive).you'll notice i like night slash

;123;Scyther(wow)@Shell Bell(?)
Swords Dance
night Slash
False Swipe/Aerial Ace

;141;Kabutops@ Salac Berry
Hydro pump
Stone Edge
Night Slash
Endure/Metal Sound(?)

;254;Sceptile@Choice Specs
Energy Ball
Dragon Pulse
Focus Blast(?)
hidden power fire/toxic
This needs help. I originally intended for it to be Physical, but everyone is.

Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Me First
Detect/Swords Dance
I was contemplating a baton passer, but I've heard absols not so good as one

;475;Gallade@Scope Lens/Life Orb
Adamant/Careful (maybe even Jolly)
Close Combat
Stone Edge/ Night Slash/ Leaf Blade(not sure)
Psycho Cut

;445;Garchomp@Choice Scarf/Band or Life Orb
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance(if Life Orb)/Stone Edge(if Choice)
fire fang
I may change Garchomp, if you know of any other pkmn w/ scythes mention it. This doesnt fit so well.

Thank you in advance, I'll accept any help
*1st thread*weeeee!

this is my advice not sure is everything correct for the 4th gen
shell bell's good. What does Salac do?(cant find in stupid guide)
why hydro pump? i'd prefer a physical on him, and i dont trust the accuracy of Hydro Pump. I should have pointed out that i dont use Hidden Power(dont bother w/ IVs or EVs), but Toxic might work(w/out specs of course)Is everyone jolly?thats fine. thanks for the help!

Sceptile Owns All

Team Explorer in MD2
Scyther @Leftovers
Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass

Kabutops @Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Stone Edge
-Night Slash


Kabutops @Leftovers
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge

Sceptile @Choice Specs
Modest/Timid Nature
-Dragon Pulse
-Energy Ball
-Focus Blast
-Leaf Storm


Sceptile @Salac Berry
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Claw

Absol @Salac Berry
Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass
-Night Slash
-Will-o-Wisp/Thunder Wave/X-Scissor


Absol @Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Night Slash
-Psycho Cut
-Quick Attack

Gallade @Leftovers
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Psycho Cut
-Close Combat
-Will-o-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Hypnosis
-Leaf Blade/Night Slash

Garchomp @Leftovers
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Crunch/Fire Fang


Garchomp @Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Dragon Claw/Outrage
-Fire Fang/Fire Blast
Thanks Sceptile owns all, i dont know why i didnt think of that scyther baton pass set, thats smart.that choice Kabutops is good too. Obviously, you helped with the sceptile, i really like that specs set.You helped alot thanks!
*editting team*


Worship the willow!
Sceptile: Modest
Absol: Adamant
Gallade: Jolly
Garchomp: Jolly