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Scyther Moveset Question


Jolly Nature
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Def

Swords Dance
Scissor Cross

Kinda new to Reversal Just wondering if the dmg also increases with +Att aka Swords Dance

I know Scissor Cross is a D/P move but its something Ive been thinking about.

Can Scyther be used this way?


um, and stuff
Jolly Nature
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Def

Swords Dance
Scissor Cross

Kinda new to Reversal Just wondering if the dmg also increases with +Att aka Swords Dance

I know Scissor Cross is a D/P move but its something Ive been thinking about.

Can Scyther be used this way?
I'm guessing wrong section and pretty sure that it does not rise with your attack it doubles when your HP is down.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Jolly Nature
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Def

Swords Dance
Scissor Cross

Kinda new to Reversal Just wondering if the dmg also increases with +Att aka Swords Dance

I know Scissor Cross is a D/P move but its something Ive been thinking about.

Can Scyther be used this way?

Rate my team thread, its really not that hard to spot, if you can see this you can see that.

>.< for gods sakes, get rid of the DP move, incase, give it Aerial Ace and Silver wind - there at least you will have stab.
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Scyther CAN learn Reversal, it's a breeding move from Heracross. And to the topic creator, if you use Swords Dance it will double your actual attack stat, not the move power. So if you have used Swords Danced and are a 1 HP, Reversal will have 200 power and your attack will be doubled. I think that's what you're trying to ask.....
Scyther CAN learn Reversal, it's a breeding move from Heracross. And to the topic creator, if you use Swords Dance it will double your actual attack stat, not the move power. So if you have used Swords Danced and are a 1 HP, Reversal will have 200 power and your attack will be doubled. I think that's what you're trying to ask.....

With the 200 power are you refering to reversals power with or without swords dance? Because i dont know what reversals power is but i think the power would be definitely doubled if you used SD. ;123;


Master Breeder
But don't use reversal, use this moveset instead:
@Scope Lens
Silver Wind
Aerial Ace
Sword Dance
Brick Break (I don't know for sure if he can learn it, though)/ Slash/ Scissor Cross(D/P only)
I hope it helped :).
~PDT ;373;;381;

scope lens sucks, and it can't learn brick break.

endure/reversal/swords dance/aerial ace for the win.


I said, Bring It ON!
scope lens owns


swords dance DOES double your attack stat

in DP, scissor cross will replace his previous bug move

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>end of story<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


caffeine=my god
sd raises attack power so if a pokemon with lower attack (lower level) used reversal it would be weaker sd raises attack so it would raise power of reversal

btw it doesnt double att it raises by two stages

raising 2 stages=double att lol


Well-Known Member
In D/P you should use Blade Test as it covers everything that Reversal doesn't, or you can use Aerial Ace if you don't evolve it to Scizor. A bug move would be ineffective against Gengar.
Yes i realise SD doesnt double attack everytime i was just talking bout the first SD.

eg. If your scythers attack is 200 it will go 200,400,600 because ech stage is half the stat and SD raises attack 2 stages.

To the tread starter that strategy works great. Swords dance until you can only take one more attack and then endure then reversal everything in one hit due to your upped attack and the power of reversal.

With the moveset i would recommend either ariel ace/silver wind for the STAB power insead if scissor cross. ;123;