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::[Scyther Pre Evo]::[Rizclaw]::

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Memories in the Rain
The Trainee Pokemon

Rizclaws are hardly seen, heard or known; they are usually born as Scythers, evolving before entering the world by taking in battle experience and memories from their parents, but there are some which do not, most ikely because their parents don't battle much. Their scythes are a lot weaker than Scyther's- they are rather fragile, breaking when met with a strong force, unlike the unbreakable scythes of a Scyther. They are also wingless, which means that they cannot fly. However, they are rather good at jumping, but not as good as Blazikens, more of a Combustken, perhaps.

Rizclaw's main usage of weapons is their pair of strong and sturdy legs that can land a devestaing kick, although not as strong as a Hitmonlee or Hitmontop, but can cause quite a headache. They never use their scythes, for fear that they would break. They do use it in desperate situations, though.


I will try and put up a hand sketch of Rizclaw ASAP, that is, if I can find a scanner... -.-;

Meanwhile, comment on how crappy it is and suggest on how to improve it. Thanks.
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Yes I use MS paint
it just looks like scyther with a ribbon around it neck

Evanji Axu

It's cute, but looks too much like a chibi Scyther. Make it more babyish looking.


God of Fusions
Yup, like everyone says, too much of syther. Take out the ribbion or make the ribbion more pokemonish. And what's up with the legs?

But I like the shading
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+Chaos Blade+

Make more of a baby mantis. It looks a lot like a cuter Scyther. But, sadly, that's not what Scyther is. Scyther is a killing machine, IMO, with the scythes for arms.

+Chaos Blade+

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Ribon, Scarf, makes no difference. All it looks like is pixel art of a Chibi Scyther, not a pre-evolution. Maybe try adding more buggish details or something, make it less Scyther-y, more 'Rizclaw'-y. Maybe make the 'claws' more like arms, or something. And where did the scarf come from? I mean Scyther's don't have scarves >.>

Anyways the point is, look at most evolutions; Charmander and Charmeleon for one. You can tell Charmeleon evolves from Charmander, but Charmeleon doesn't look like Charmander. It's body/attitude are different. This .. just looks like a baby Scyther.

And with how you've designed it, from your description about it, it's like Rizclaw is Fighting/Bug @.@


Yes I use MS paint
The way you described it sound like just a premature born Scyther
they are usually born as Scythers
yeah that would be like saying they're usually born as babies
Their scythes are a lot weaker than Scyther's
Yes because they aren't fully developed yet
They are also wingless
again premature

all i see there is a premature baby Scyther

and also why would a bug/fighting type evolve to a bug/flying type?

Evanji Axu

I might be able to doodle up a more babyish looking Rizclaw for you to work from. If not, here are some suggestions:

Make the scythes smaller and softer, perhaps without the cutting edge
Make the legs shorter
Make the body more squishy and vulverable looking (fewer plates)
Make the eyes bigger


say yes to love
Welp, I am not very familiar with judging art, but I thought I'd drop in on this anyways, just to help ya out. I have to agree with most of the replies: it does not look much like a pre-evolution and more like another version of a Scyther. To create more of a younger feel, size should come into consideration, most importantly. But aside form the concept, I like the art itself; certainly better than anything I could randomly draw up. As was said, the shading is nice and the style is great for it. And the description- very in-depth and very smart... I expect no less from you! ^_^ Overall, I get the concept, I get the style, and a size adjustment is the only real suggestion. Very good.


Those are some really politely typed out suggestions. Oh yeah. >.>;;;

I actually was going to make the same suggestions Evanji Axu made earlier.

I mean it's just a doodle right? If it's not the final, no critisism should be thrown at you. I don't understand why some people here have already critisized your Rizclaw doodle sketch. He asked for SUGGESTIONS, not comments or critiques. =3=()()

EDIT: And even if he said comment on how crappy it is at the beginning of this thread, don't do it. If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all. *Shot* 8D;;; * dead* D8
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