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SD's LIMITED TIME Pokemorph Request Depot


please wake up...
...You know what? I'm bored and in the mood to draw. I think I'll open up a special request shop. :D

Okay, so, ITT, I will draw you one Pokemorph (Pokemon anthro; half human, half Pokemon) at a time. I'll have a queue of 5 requests; after that, please do not request any more until a slot has been open. If you want to reserve a slot, then that's fine, but do NOT actually post your request until the slot is officially open.

All fan art rules apply to this shop. Don't spam, don't ask me how the request is coming along, and post after your request has been fulfilled so I know you received it. If you ask me how the request is coming too many times, I will stop doing your request and ban you from my shop (not from the forum, don't get it confused :p).

Please keep in mind that I work slowly, so know that the average time to wait will probably be two or three days. So just know what you're getting yourself into before you complain about not getting the request right on the spot.

And please be as specific as possible when requesting, meaning specify the gender, pose, and any other particular specifics. If you don't specify, I'll probably ask you for more informartion or just flat out deny your request.

Samples of my work can be found here.

...That's about all I have for explanations. So, start requesting, plz!


1) Shadow Ichigo
2) combusken1994
3) tonyhawk7893
4) Chaotic Pink
5) bonsly2006


1) Cell
2) Inalina
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Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
One please SapphireDewgong
Pokemon: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Clothes: Dark grey sweater, Long black shorts with a chain on the side, and and I think thats it.

Thank you^^


Active Member
Can I have one
Clothing:Long white dress ruby necklace
pose:A sort of ballarena Soc? pose
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Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I love you work from your Deviant art. May I please request:

Pokemon: Vaporeon
Gender: Female,
Clothing: Medium length pink dress, some sort of earings and a Sapphire and gold necklace.

Thankyou very much in advance!


Tastes like chicken!
Could I please request one:
Pokemon: Weavile
Gender: Male
Clothes: Blue shirt, Golden chain, some Jeans and if possible Some red shoes

Thank you in advance


Pokemon: Lucario
Gender: Boy
Clothes: Red Bandanna, White Shirt which is tucked into pants but sort of bags over the side a bit. Brown pants which are baggy.
EDIT-Sorry saw it was full can you put me on the waiting list instead because if I miss out on this I will kill myself.
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Pokemon: Groudon
Gender: Male
Clothes: Armor Like a gundam or Gogai....GARRRRR!!!!!!
(lol. XD)
Need refences? just tell me.


Well-Known Member
Clothes:a t-shirt in yellow color and with hawai flowers in pink colour a skirt not long in pink color and hawai flowers in yellow color .. and an amulet on neck:a revival herb
Eye colour:gold
Pose:laying on back in flowers
Personality:happy looking on sky
Background(if you can):flower bed
hmmm i know it is limited but... will you put me on waiting list?? i relly eant a poke morph i think you gonna make it !!

Oh i forgot to not request... sorry... dont mind... i reserwe a slot then ^^"


please wake up...
Okay, I've received all your requests, and am working on them now. Just don't want you to think I died or anything. XD


Well-Known Member
Hello again... I have waiting and now i think you die XD Will you give us a singin that you are or not ^^"?
May I have one after your done???

Pokemon: Lucario
Gender: Male
Clothes: No shirt. Cool, black jeans with a chain.

Thankyou sooo much!