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SD's Official Sprite Thread

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Before anyone asks, yes, I am Alto Mare Warrioress. :p

Anyway, I thought I'd post some of my sprites...They're not as good as Poochyena's or Dawnstar's, but they're not too bad.

This is probably my best and most favorite sprite; I'm really proud of him. :3

Demon Nidoking
Nothing special, just a black-and-white Nidoking with wings and horns. =/

Draconic Feraligatr
Again, nothing special. I don't like it that much, as it's kinda boring.

I like this one. It's my first sprite that isn't a fusion, but an original Pokémon. He's a Steel/Dragon.

Meh. It's not that great, but I like it anyway. *shrug*

Mewdoran ♂
My Mew/Nidoran ♂ mix. It's a pretty simple sprite, but I still think it's cute. :3

Treecko/Charmander...Nothing much to say about this one, really. =/

The evolution of Treemander. I quite like it.

The evolution of Groveleon, obviously. I think it's actually pretty cool. ^^

...Yeah. That's it. Criticism is welcomed.


ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
Soul Dragon said:
I like this one. It's my first sprite that isn't a fusion, but an original Pokémon. He's a Steel/Dragon.
It still looks like a mix. You used Latios, Absol, Skarmory, Sceptile, Flygon and a bit more.
Oh, and save as PNG.


Wigu said:
It still looks like a mix. You used Latios, Absol, Skarmory, Sceptile, Flygon and a bit more.
Oh, and save as PNG.

*sigh* Of COURSE it's a mix. It's obvious. However, he wasn't simply mixing. He was TRYING to make a new idea for a pokemon. Learn to read.


Orochiko Hebichi
I think it looks cool and the Pokemon Treemander, Groveleon and Sceptizard looks like a Grass version of the Kanto Fire starter and it's evolutions.

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know the body parts are easy to spot. ^^;;

...How do I save them as PNG's? ._. *feels newbish*


Medical Meccanica

give me the booty
OMG Drake posted :O

anyways... if your computer is anything lower than XP, Paint can't save as Png. Gif is the *best* format for sprites. Giffy is s aprogram that will convert bmps to gifs and even make them transparent. Search it on google... it's very cool.

anways... your mixes are messy, and the parts seem disconnected or in the wrong place. I can't really help oyu on this, you'll just have to learn where to put them on your own.

Call me jealous, but WHY, OH WHY is Dawn eveyrone's spriting idol? Even I could have sprites like her (and believe me, I=suck) if I used no black oulines and light colors X_x which I think I mgith do soon because I'm so fed up with being ignored.
I liked them all but on the Charizois belly the color is messed up and myfavorite one is Gyrotic and Drakyern.



The jpg isn't SD's fault. The host, ******* converts everything to jpeg. x.x;;

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
...Oh. I had no idea that ******* converted everything into jpg. x_x I'm just going to use a different host from now on. o.o;;


Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Wigu said:
That's only because he used bmp. Now he will use GIF so it doesn't matter!
Um...This is kinda off-topic, but I'm a she. >_>

Anyway, I can't download Giffy, as my dad doesn't want any viruses to infect my computer through the download. I guess I should just use Imageshack instead or something. =/



Well-Known Member
SD posted sprites. ;O

First off, they're saved as JPG. But as Drake mentioned, ******* makes everything JPG which I never knew. xD You should use ImageShack, and if you can't save as PNG, used BMP (it won't mess up the colors) and host it on ImageShack which will convert it to PNG.

Heh, I actually kinda like Drakyern. A little cut-n-pastey though IMO. I want to try to guess what you used.
Sceptile, Aggron, Flygon, Absol, Skarmory, Latios, and Seaking?

For the rest, alot are a little choppy aswell. Maybe try to "blend" them a bit more to make them more realistic and even try making custom parts. It'll help you improve.

Keep it up SD. :3

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Poochyena said:
SD posted sprites. ;O

First off, they're saved as JPG. But as Drake mentioned, ******* makes everything JPG which I never knew. xD You should use ImageShack, and if you can't save as PNG, used BMP (it won't mess up the colors) and host it on ImageShack which will convert it to PNG.

Heh, I actually kinda like Drakyern. A little cut-n-pastey though IMO. I want to try to guess what you used.
Sceptile, Aggron, Flygon, Absol, Skarmory, Latios, and Seaking?

For the rest, alot are a little choppy aswell. Maybe try to "blend" them a bit more to make them more realistic and even try making custom parts. It'll help you improve.

Keep it up SD. :3
Thanks, Pooch. :D

You almost got it right. XD I didn't use Flygon, and I used Arbok for the tail and Tauros for the horns.

Yeah, I think I'll use Imageshack...I've used it in the past, and it worked well. I just moved to ******* so I wouldn't have to type a really long link, but I'll probably go back to using Imageshack from now on.



Dragonic Feraligatr's wings are way high up and the wings seem too dark ( The green part ).
Charizios' Wings are weird looking.

I like your creativity though, nice job.


Good Good.

I like the combo wit the Chars and Treecko Families Alot, Ever Thought about making other Main family Combos?