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Sea Incense and Deep Sea Scale?

Evee Trainer

New Member
Hi there. First topic i made on here so i thought id get to the point. Im looking for the Sea Incense because i really want a Azurill. Does anyone know where i could get Sea Incense?

Also i chose the Deep Sea Tooth and i was wondering is there anyway of getting the Deep Sea Scale also without involving another game?

Many thanks and its the Emerald Version;133;

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
yup, you get a sea insence in mt prye by going to the top (inside) and then coming down via the holes.
deep sea tooth and scale are found in slaport, captain stern gives one of them to you, you need to get the scaner from abandoned ship, to get it you just need to walk out of it from the inside