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Secret Base Battles


Shadow Master
Okay i saw this thing on you tube where this guy had a traiuner in his bases and was fighting him and lvling up fast so how i get someoen in my base like that


Master Breeder
if you mix records with someone who has a secret base, and you have beaten the elite 4, the team they had when you mixed records will appear in their secret base.

as for quick leveling, mix records with someone who has a team of 6 latios/gardevoir that know nothing except Memento and give your pokemon a lucky egg.


I said, Bring It ON!


**Legendary Maven**
yes u have to trade records.So if you mix records with ur friends,you will get their secret base into ur game.It will we where their base was.And they will have whatever pokmeon they had in their party while mixing records.So if they had a lv.100 rayquaza and other powerfull pokemon,then u can battle them everyday and quickly raise ur pokemon.
The main site said:
Okay so first, you need your ID number. 84525 will do for a random ID number. Now, you need to divide this number by 256.
84525 / 256 = 330.17578125
Then after that, you just chop off the decimal and multiply it by 256.
330 * 256 = 84480 Then you need to subtract your ID number from the last answer we got. 84525 – 84480 = 45
Then lastly, to figure out what you would be, compare the last digit of your answer to this chart to see what you get.

  • Male
  • 0 Youngster
  • 1 Bug Catcher
  • 2 Rich Boy
  • 3 Camper
  • 4 Cooltrainer (m)
  • 5 Youngster
  • 6 Bug Catcher
  • 7 Rich Boy
  • 8 Camper
  • 9 Cooltrainer (m)
  • Female
  • 0 Lass
  • 1 School Kid
  • 2 Lady
  • 3 Picnicker
  • 4 Cooltrainer (f)
  • 5 Lass
  • 6 School Kid
  • 7 Lady
  • 8 Picnicker
  • 9 Cooltrainer (f)
And heres how to determin(sp) what you'll look like too.