Okay so first, you need your ID number. 84525 will do for a random ID number. Now, you need to divide this number by 256.
84525 / 256 = 330.17578125
Then after that, you just chop off the decimal and multiply it by 256.
330 * 256 = 84480 Then you need to subtract your ID number from the last answer we got. 84525 – 84480 = 45
Then lastly, to figure out what you would be, compare the last digit of your answer to this chart to see what you get.
- Male
- 0 Youngster
- 1 Bug Catcher
- 2 Rich Boy
- 3 Camper
- 4 Cooltrainer (m)
- 5 Youngster
- 6 Bug Catcher
- 7 Rich Boy
- 8 Camper
- 9 Cooltrainer (m)
- Female
- 0 Lass
- 1 School Kid
- 2 Lady
- 3 Picnicker
- 4 Cooltrainer (f)
- 5 Lass
- 6 School Kid
- 7 Lady
- 8 Picnicker
- 9 Cooltrainer (f)