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Secret Base locations and mixing records

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Pinin' for the fjord
What will happen to your secret base if you mix records with someone whose base is in the same spot as yours?


TC expert
Kveran said:
What will happen to your secret base if you mix records with someone whose base is in the same spot as yours?
It deasapears
No Base can substitute yours nor the ones you've registered. So, no problem. :)


Pinin' for the fjord
So what happens, then, Orion Master? Does one of the bases get relocated?
how sure are you about this?do you have anyproof...at all?
I've tried all sorts of things... but I don't have proof. Why you need it anyway? Go test yourself... and you'll see.

Kveran, what happens is that those Bases are lost. Since they can't take the spot they're trying to take, they're just "ignored" by the game. They're not relocated or anything... they just won't turn out until your Base or your registered Bases go somewhere else. And you'll have to mix records again for that.


Yeah, about that...
No they do not get relocated,instead your friend has to make another hideout some where else to have their base in your game


D/P is almost here!!
This should answer all your questions:

You can have more than 10 Secret Bases,you can have all the Secret Bases in Hoenn filled up(exept for your's),the registering thing you do in your friend base is so if you want to keep that base and you are mixing record's with a friend,that Secret Base won't get deleted.

Here is an Example,I have Emerald and Ruby now:there is a Secret Base(not your's)in Emerald in the part of the Safari Zone you know the tree that's to the right,now you are facing that tree and in Emerald the Right spot of that tree is in use now you enter that Secret Base and Register it.

Now here is Ruby:

The same spot that is in use in Emerald,you have that Secret Base spot in your Ruby in use(not you,your friends),now in Ruby go to that Secret Base and Register it.

Now here's the mixing records part:
Note that everyrthing in () explains the process of Mixing Records.

You can only have Registered 10 bases in both Emerald and Ruby(Note that when mixing records the bases that you didn't register will get exchanged when mixing records,here an Example:Emerald Secret bases(not the registered ones) and Ruby's Secret bases will get exchanged,Emerald's Secret bases will be exchanged to Ruby while Emerald aquire's Ruby's Secret Bases,exept the registered ones)

Now go back to the field and check that the 10 Registered Secret Bases weren't gone,now the other unregistered Secret Bases were exchanged so you get new Secret Bases.


Pinin' for the fjord
Thanks, Orion! I figured I'd better check before I mixed records...


Coral Eye Trainer
Erm.. I have never mixed records before.. do the trainer's pokemon increase in level each time you battle the base trainer? or do they stay the same?
Also why does it ask to save before you battle them in their base?
You're welcome, Kveran. :)

djbrayster said:
Erm.. I have never mixed records before.. do the trainer's pokemon increase in level each time you battle the base trainer? or do they stay the same?
Also why does it ask to save before you battle them in their base?
No, they always stay the same until you mix records again (And only if your friend ACTUALLY leveled up.).

As for why it asks to save... I dunno. Maybe so you don't get affected if you lose? Or if you turn it off, it'd be as if nothing happened? I'm not sure. =/


Coral Eye Trainer
ah thanks for clarifying that for me. heh untill I got emerald I had noone to mix records with.. so now mixing with my self.. and a spare ruby cart I got cheaply.
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