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secret bases


Never forgotten
About how many secret bases can you have saved up into one emerald from other games? Is it ten. I was reading that you can "register" only up to ten secret bases. Does that mean I can mix record up to a maximum with ten games with different base locations?


Never forgotten
I can have 30 bases but only battle 10 a day?


Powerplay Champion
no you can have as many bases as you want, but only 10 can be saved, meaning they won't be overwritten by other's bases when yu mix records.


The new tuxedo look!
Thanks guys for telling me something I didn't know.


Never forgotten
no you can have as many bases as you want, but only 10 can be saved, meaning they won't be overwritten by other's bases when yu mix records.

Yes I mean, you can have 30 DIFFERENT secret base locations from mixing records from DIFFERENT 30 games and only battle 10 a day and leave the other 20 "unbattled"??


Well-Known Member
I think you can battle all 30 in a day, the registering is to make sure the base isn't deleted when you mix records.


I am so confused! I thought you can only have 10 bases registered!


I said, Bring It ON!
Ill clear it up. I do alot of mixing

When you mix records you get that person's base

If you mix with another freind who has the same base occupied, the first base will be deleted

If you register(save) freind A's base, the second base wont delete the first one and it just wont show up

You can have more than 10 bases in your game

You can only register(save) 10 bases

Basically, register the bases that are awesome so that they wont be deleted

And one more note of interest. If, for example, you mix with me, you will get all the bases that are in my game and I will get all the bases in your's.


Never forgotten
thanks a lot medaton, you cleared everything up for me.