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Secrets of Anime V.2

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It's been awhile,

You ask yourself:

When is the new game coming? Is that person chosen or millennium? Who fights who? Well this isn't that kind of thread, This is...........

Secrets of Anime!

Segment 1:

Name: Zatch Bell

Age: 6

You're at home, and you have just finished your yellowtail martini, while watching uncut episodes of FMA on DVD. You decide to turn in for the night. You turn off the tv, go upstairs, brush your teeth, lay out your clothes for the morning, and go to sleep.

The next morning, you wake up at 7 am. While you're half-awake, you notice something very different today. You run to the bathroom franticly, but you trip over a shoe. You get up a resume heading to the bathroom. Before you know it, you realize something.........

You realize that you're inside the body of...............

EDWARD ELRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Segment 2:

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 12

It's 3:00 pm, you have briefly finish your training with Jiraiya. At 4:00pm - 5:00, you have a nice walk with Hinata Hyuga. While walking, Hinata notices a Volcun 300 lying on the ground. You pick it up and throw it in the trashcan. 5:15, Neji catches you with Hinata walking her home. He performs a sneak-attack and knocks you out cold!

At 7:00 pm, you come to, but realize that you hands have gotten stubby. You go to the lake to see your reflection.

You realize that this isn't your body..........

You realize that you're inside the body of...............

ZATCH BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And all you can say is................:

Tune in next time for more strange and surreal scenarios in:

Secrets of Anime!

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member

If this is a fanfic, I'm a Shinigami aka God of Death.

This is not a fanfic. By any means. Go read the RULES and ADVICE FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS and I report this, as there's nothing to crit here, outside of some poorly structured scetences, lack luster attempts and one very, very rule breaking thread.


please wake up...
...Since I got here first, I get to close this thread! Go me! :D

Closed for the reasons Yami stated above. ;\
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