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Seeing Is Believing (304)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Seeing Is Believing!

With Professor Birch with them, Ash & Co. carry on learning about Pokémon such as Seedot. However in a battle with Team Rocket, May's Silcoon evolves. Jessie is inspired by this and wants her "Silcoon" to evolve into Beautifly too...Will she realise she has a Cascoon before its too late?

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This was a very funny episode. I loved it when Jessie's Cascoon evolves and James and Meowth immediatly throw a blanket over it, and Meowth in a Beautifly costume! I laughed my head off at that bit.

Overall, 8/10.

Factory Head Noland

That was so funny!

Meowth: "Beautifly, Beautifly"
Jessie: "Meowth, what are you doing?"
Meowth: "I'm a Beautifly, I ain't never heard of no Meowth"

I really like Dustox! Jessie said that she liked it in this episode but she hardly EVER uses it.
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Team Awesome
I know I breathed a big sigh of relief when Jessie declares she loves Dustox after all. I agree, she hardly ever uses it, but at least we'll get to see it some more in the next pokemon contest episode. :) I like Dustox and Beautifly, they've been interesting pokemon on the show.

Factory Head Noland

The most it has been used is in "Beginning Challenge! Sky Match - PokeRinger!!" and that was by James!

~*Aurora Wish*~

This was a great episode! May's Silcoon becomes Beautifly, and Jessie wouldn't listen to what James and Meowth said about telling her it was a Cascoon.

Shiny May

great ep. Funny how James jumped on Dustox and that Meowth pretended to be Beautifly and how suddenly Jesse started to accept she had a Dustox and thought it was much better then May's Beautifly

A cool and great ep !!! 9/10


I liked seeing May's Beautifly for the first time in this ep. How cute! I love Beautifly! ^^ I also like Dustox, and I'm glad Jessie does too instead of hating it for not being a Beautifly. I agree, she rarely ever uses it though.


i really liked this episode expecually when James and Meowth tryed to cover up Dustox from being seen by Jesse because it isn't a Beautifly,but she really adores it when she sees it.


Master Coordinator
I loved this eppy, I think Beautifly is so pretty. It was so funny w/ Jessie always calling Cascoon a Silcoon, James and Meowth were so funny, I mean imagining what Jessie getting mad 'cause her 'Silcoon' didn't evolve to beautifly, Jessie's reaction to dustox was interesting.


Original Pokeshipper
Yeah, the best part in the show was when the two imagined how Jessie would react to her Dustox. I got to see it right before they didnt show Pokemon Advanced on tv anymore where I live.


This was another great episode.

The part where Cascoon evolves into Dustox, and then James covers it up and Meowth pretends to be a Beautifly was just hilarious. XD

I also liked the fact that James and Meowth kept calling it Cascoon/Dustox, and then Jessie would completely deny it. James and Meowth thinking about what Jessie would do to them after she found out it was Dustox was also pretty amusing. XD

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Jessie is such a moron...which doesn't surprise me. She refused to believe that her so-called "Silcoon" is actually a Cascoon until she found out too late.


Emperor Coordinator
So funny how Jessie immediately changes sides. As soon as she got dustox, she scorned beautifly because she couldn't have it. HAHA!


Boulder Trainer
Yeah I love how ditzy Jessie can be at times, I'm kinda like that as I was confused about how Wurmple evolved for a long time (this was long before I discovered Serebii) as well, bless. She wouldn't of wanted to admit being wrong, and well I know what that's like. Ashy Boy she's not a moron, why is it nearly every post I see you're bashing Jessie, or basically TR? *sigh* you're really missing the point with them.

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Marill said:
Ashy Boy she's not a moron, why is it nearly every post I see you're bashing Jessie, or basically TR? *sigh* you're really missing the point with them.
The only reason why I constantly bash TR (mainly Jessie) is because of their predictable schemes to steal Pokemon.


Boulder Trainer
Most of the show is predictable. Fair enough you don't like them, I dont like the twerps for a similar reason :p Criticism is good, opinions are good.. bashing is just well, annoying for everyone. I don't bash Ash, May, Max at every oppurtunity as I don't like them. I'd probably get lynched if I did, ha :p

Back to the episode I do love the May Vs Jessie stuff, I wouldn't of minded them keeping the rivalry if they developed it a bit more. They must of ran out of ideas or just got sick of the idea all together :(


Well-Known Member
A good epi. Seeing Birch again was good. Also 2 evo's in one epi is always good
I LOLed at the part when James and Meowth tried to hide Dustox and Meowth in a Beautifly costume, LOL!