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Seeking an Elekid, Electrabuzz, or Electivire.


Well-Known Member
I need an Elekid, Electrabuzz, or Electivire with Cross Chop and Ice Punch. I'm willing to trade my Latias for one.
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Active Member
ive got like 10 elekids, lookin for a particular nature or sex?


God of Thunder
I've several Elekid with Ice Punch and Cross Chop, as well as an Electabuzz with only Cross Chop and an Elekid with only Ice Punch. The Elekids' (The ones with both) natures are Lax, Rash, and Docile.


Well-Known Member
Ma: Let me see if awesome has what I'm looking for. He came first. If not, I'll trade you.

EDIT: Do you have an Electizer? If so, attach it to the Elekid.


Active Member
nah, i dont have any with cross chop or elepunches, you can trade with ma


God of Thunder
Sorry for the long delay, the site wouldn't let me get on (too many people are accessing the site, since they wanna know why the GTS ain't working).

Anyhow, which Elekid do you want from the list I gave at the first post?
i think they're gone, i'll hook you up, i can breed an elekid with cross chop in a matter of minutes

edit: turns out the guy i was going to breed it with isn't compatable, but i've got the following elekids

elekid male hasty
elekid male sassy
elkid female impish
elekid male mild
elekid female jolly

all with electrizer
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