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Seeking Legit Deoxys and Celebi, rare berries...


Dragon Master
Hey everyone, I've decided that I need to help finish out all the holes in my pokedex, and to do that, I need to get ahold of a Deoxys (Never released in my area), and a legit Celebi of some sort, since I didn't find out about the anniversary event until after it had left town. >_<
I'm also looking for a few of the rarer berries, those being Liechi, Lansat, and Starf, since I never was able to match up with Mirage Isle, or got a chance to play through the Battle Frontier.
As far as trades, I have most of the older legendaries up for trade, including Jirachi, I have Phiones I can trade, all of the starters, and for berries, I have the Petaya, Ganlon, Salac, and Apicot berries.
do you have any shinies
i have deoxys


Dragon Master
Hmm. All I'm looking for now overall is a Celebi... or possibly an untouched Lugia with a better nature then the one I got.