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SEGA Announce New Hedgehog Game For 2005!

Flaming Torchic

60 Tauren Shaman
March 8, 2005 - At this evening's 2005 Walk of Game Induction ceremony, SEGA of America confirmed that it would be publishing a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog title for unspecified platforms this holiday season. Known as Shadow the Hedgehog, the new title follows up on last year's multiplatform hit Sonic Heroes with a dark thematic and an emphasis on action .

Exact details about the gameplay elements, characters, and stages have not yet been confirmed, but based on the promotional trailer, Shadow appears to mix the classic 3D platforming elements of Sonic Adventure with the insane weapon shooting of the Ratchet and Clank series. Of course, this only based on what we've seen from the trailer, so I'm sure there's more to the game than just that.

Source: IGN

Well, at first I thought that the idea of having Shadow use a gun was weird, but after seeing the trailer, it doesn't seem that awful. Then again, that's just me, and I'm pretty sure there are a lot of hardcore Sonic fans that are not happy with this.

Anyways, what are your thoughts?


Hmm...I saw the preview for this yesterday. I'm definitely going to get this game! And that's saying something, because the last ORIGINAL Sonic (Team) game I bought was "Sonic Advance 2".


Well-Known Member
Sonic + Gun = No.

*sighs* I wanted a new Sonic game, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind...


Silver Fusion said:
Just watched trailer its not fake.
Possibly. It seems very shoddly put together however. Watch it again and look for the G.U.N. crates and MULTIPLE CHAOS 2's. Not even scathing the fact that the levels look..... familiar, lets just say. Also, Shadow is supposed to run by "skating", not by being propelled forward by some unknown force like Super Sonic. The explosions also look reused from previous games. And, at the end of the trailer, it shows a scene of Shadow, but it looks like the one where he was first found in Sonic Heros. (Man it's sad that I can see all of this... Sega is slacking nowadays...)

Now they got my hopes up that Tikal's gonna be in this game since they threw Chaos 2 in there for some reason... ;-;


Yeah, but the fact that they're using very familiar textures is pretty bad on Sega's part. They could at least create new ones that look like they weren't used from Sonic Adventure.

Edit: Technically this is hasn't been announced at all for any console besides the Gamecube, so why is it here? Sure, IGN may have listed it for 3 consoles, but that's probably because nobody knows what console it's supposed to be on yet.


Hmm... I can't see it working out, but I didn't like the idea of Chao at first either, so I'll stay tuned...


How can Shadow be "overused" if he's only been in 2 or 3 games? ¬¬


Jynxie said:
How can Shadow be "overused" if he's only been in 2 or 3 games? ¬¬
This makes his fifth. But you also have to look at when these games came around. I mean, he only debuted in 2001, so... yeah. Overused is a good word in this case.


I don't think he's overused. He's a new character. You have to give him exposure so he can have a fanbase for when his game debuts....Which was probably Sega's plan from the get-go. :\


Old Coot
Jynxie said:
How can Shadow be "overused" if he's only been in 2 or 3 games? ¬¬
-Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
-Sonic Battle
-Sonic Heroes

Also appeared in Sonic X and the Archie comics series. For someone who should be dead, he's quite overused.

Way to ruin what made Sonic so fun, Sonic Team. Slap in a USELESS weapon that's completely unnecessary, not to mention, make it more realistic than the ones Eggman carries around, and you've got yourself another Mario Sunshine, Shadow-style.

And please tell me I'm not the only one who's imagining things when I compare these two images..



Edward Elric said:
-Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
-Sonic Battle
-Sonic Heroes

Also appeared in Sonic X and the Archie comics series. For someone who should be dead, he's quite overused.

Way to ruin what made Sonic so fun, Sonic Team. Slap in a USELESS weapon that's completely unnecessary, not to mention, make it more realistic than the ones Eggman carries around, and you've got yourself another Mario Sunshine, Shadow-style.

And please tell me I'm not the only one who's imagining things when I compare these two images..


ever here of griola warfare or hit and run dout any onwe who think it will slow the game down dosen't think of these things

also posble reson for shadow to use a gun

he starts off surving the [SPOIL] fall from the ark at the end of sa2(note delayed amnisa)[/SPOIL]wonded he clops and is caputured to excape he uses the gun because "it seems im not a full power yet"
well i think sonic team has lost thier touch comeone can we get back to sonic basics of running as fast as possible through a level, come on i HATE this gun idea, i mean why does Shadow need a gun? stupid, stupid, stupid


Edward Elric said:
-Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
-Sonic Battle
-Sonic Heroes

Also appeared in Sonic X and the Archie comics series. For someone who should be dead, he's quite overused.

Way to ruin what made Sonic so fun, Sonic Team. Slap in a USELESS weapon that's completely unnecessary, not to mention, make it more realistic than the ones Eggman carries around, and you've got yourself another Mario Sunshine, Shadow-style.

And please tell me I'm not the only one who's imagining things when I compare these two images..


Yes, but the difference between FFX-2's switch in style was that everyone wanted it. BTW, FFX-2 is one of THE best games ever :D. Anyways, I don't see the similarities in the two pics. In one, I see mystery and fantasy, and in the other, I see evil and....yeah....


Old Coot
Guess I gotta point it out then. >_>

Both characters have absolutely NO NEED for guns. One can use magic, the other can use himself as a weapon.

Both characters have the same pose, with a single color contrast in the background.

It's more creepy than anything else.

And believe it or not, I absolutely hated the X series of FF. >_> Neither one was that appealing, and the fact that we have a game based on a character who supposedly died and then comes back with unnecessary equipment is downright stupid.

And really, using a gun to escape cause he's "not at full power" makes absolutely no sense. How would he break out to begin with? How would he obtain the gun if he was in bad shape? Have you SEEN the actual gun he's holding in the game? It's practically as big as Shadow's body. He couldn't exactly hide it. Not to mention, NO MORTAL could survive a fall from space to Earth. Otherwise, you wouldn't lose a life for falling off the tracks and down into the Earth's atmosphere in the several space levels of SA2. And really, full power? Shadow's a living creature, not a machine (unless you count Sonic Heroes' Shadow).

I just think this is Mario Sunshine all over again. And with Sonic Team's recent credibility in Sonic games from Sonic Shuffle to Sonic Heroes, I am not the least bit pleased at all. o_O
Edward Elric said:
Guess I gotta point it out then. >_>

Both characters have absolutely NO NEED for guns. One can use magic, the other can use himself as a weapon.

Both characters have the same pose, with a single color contrast in the background.

It's more creepy than anything else.

And believe it or not, I absolutely hated the X series of FF. >_> Neither one was that appealing, and the fact that we have a game based on a character who supposedly died and then comes back with unnecessary equipment is downright stupid.

And really, using a gun to escape cause he's "not at full power" makes absolutely no sense. How would he break out to begin with? How would he obtain the gun if he was in bad shape? Have you SEEN the actual gun he's holding in the game? It's practically as big as Shadow's body. He couldn't exactly hide it. Not to mention, NO MORTAL could survive a fall from space to Earth. Otherwise, you wouldn't lose a life for falling off the tracks and down into the Earth's atmosphere in the several space levels of SA2. And really, full power? Shadow's a living creature, not a machine (unless you count Sonic Heroes' Shadow).

I just think this is Mario Sunshine all over again. And with Sonic Team's recent credibility in Sonic games from Sonic Shuffle to Sonic Heroes, I am not the least bit pleased at all. o_O

yeah good point i thought shadow was suppose to be "the ultimate life form" come on why the gun grr this really miffs me


Old Coot
If you play SA2 entirely, you'll see that he actually isn't. Biolizard is apparently "The Ultimate Life Form."