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Selling old DS


I was thinking of getting a DS Lite for Thanksgiving or something. I figured I didn't want two DSes (I already have a regular DS), so i decided upon selling my old DS.

My question is, where should I sell it?


Macho man!
Ebay. My friends always complain how they are rip off when they sell them at stores like blockbuster. Plus, Ebay won't rip you off like other places.


Ok, I might try Ebay. Any other suggestions?


LOZ:TP player
Ebay for sure. If my freind can sell a footlong piece of cardboard for $123.00
You can sell your Ds for a LOT!


Super Gamer
No. You need something called Paypal..and a Bank Account.

I would just keep my DS when I get a DS Lite - because how are you gonna do that extra stuff on Pokemon Diamond/Pearl when you don't have 2 DS's?



Depends where you live,
if you live in USA you can sell it at your local EB games or Gamestop
or if you live in the UK you can sell it at GAME or Gamestation
you can try ebay though


You're Illegal
Offtopic:Anyone know what PayPal is? (I have a Bank account) Cause I could get tons of money if I sell all my junk at home!

Ontopic: Just keep your old DS and Get a DS Lite, you can go underground in D/P and also get that one weird ghost pokemon.


Unfortunately my parent don't want me to have two because they say it's pointless. I try to convince them but it doesn't work.

Fotunately, I have friends who are going to get the game, so I will be able to do the multiplayer stuff.

Anyway, I might just go to EB Games or Gamestop (I live in US) to see if they give me a reasonable price. If not, I'll just go with Ebay. How does that sound?


I am Erureido
this is why i made a deal with my mother. She gets me a DS Lite, i give her my old DS. Two gifts with a ten dollar difference. Saves us both money, really.

So, try convincing others to have your old DS first, so you wont have people say 'awww, i wanted it!'. If no one else wants it, then see the prices you can get when you sell it to EB Games or Gamestop.

Or, another idea, if you find a game you want for your DS at a Gamestop or something, you could excxhange for money at the game.

And, for last, try eBay. You DO have to have a credit card because of Paypal, i believe, but you can sell the DS at little or the same price as you got it (and in some cases more)
You could sell it on ebay for around $110.

Otherwise you could sell it to a local store if you could get more then $111.
Maybe if you're lucky you could sell it for around $120.