Actually it's island 5 she is on,surf north of isle 5 and you will find selphy,in the lost cave.You will have to do the door puzzle in the lost cave to get to selphy,follow these instructions to get to her easily;
In each room there is 4 door's(top,right,bottom,left)the number of rocks in the room tells you which door to go through,
3rocks --> top
6rocks --> right
9rocks --> bottom
12 rocks --> left
Follow the door's until you reach selphy,battle her.
Then you will go to her house,go out then back in,she will ask to see a pokemon,bring her that pokemon and get your prize.
WARNING:if you take to long in bringinf her the pokemon she will not accept it,and make sure when you are going to show her it that it is at the top of your party.