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Semi-realistic-ish Jolteon oekaki thing


This was a triumph.

Hey mommy look I'm a flower
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Well-Known Member
I love the way you've done it. It's absolutely stunning. But there's something wrong with the mouth and the spikes are supposed to be around the neck and it looks like a flower. But still, you've done a great job on it.


Better then you
I agree with SneakyFella, It's neck does look like a flower. But it looks alright to me.

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
Wow, that's really neat! I think the mouth and nose are little small, that's why they look kinda weird. But it's a very good drawing, anyway. ^__^


Wow, that's amazing. The neck spikes do look a little odd, but I like the coloring and how the Jolteon looks. The eyes and ears being my favorite features of it XP Great job!



Pichumaster said:
O.O It scares me, and it looks like a pale yellow chihuahua with flower petals glued around its neck.

Thats a bit harsh! Anyways I for one quite like it. I suppose the ears are the most accentuated feature which I do like and the spikes are interesting. I think maybe if you lessened the number of spikes and drawn them so that they were more blended together then it would look much better. this is my opinion however of course. The face like most said is kinda slightly bunched up so space the nose and mouth a little.
Otherwise, very cool!

Haunt of the Vile

Well-Known Member
Darn mä nauroin tolle kukka jutulle xDDD. Se näyttää hieman joltain kojootilta tai aavikko ketulta. Ihanaa jälkeä, täytyy sanoa. Onkohan väärin kommentoida suomeksi? Ei kai.. xD.

Evanji Axu

AAAAIIIIEEEE! I love his ears! But the mouth and neck spikes do look rather off. The backlground is really neat though.