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*sensible tone* Ok so im confused. Please help *sensible tone*


Metallica xP
Ive heard from different sources how to unlock meteor cave. 1 said: 'Clear silver trench' the other said: 'Befriend lugia'. Im so danm confused! Can someone please clarify one of the resources? Thanks in advance.

~ Bradszy ~


Well-Known Member
I cleared Silver Trench today and didn't unlock it. I'd recommend befriending Lugia.

Also just to point out, its simultaneous on your second runthrough, as Silver Trench is Lugia's dungeon. I will say though, it's a 99 floor dungeon with a few massive monster houses, and while im strong enough to knock out every single monster in each house, it may be best to run. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Just so you know, you can befriend Lugia on your first time through, but make sure the total body size of your team is 1 or 2. And Charizard's Heat Wave owns monster houses. :D


Beginning Trainer
Then how do you get lugia's friend area?


Its automatic :p

the legend master

Well-Known Member
ive beaten kyogre twice with level 39 latios and he won't join! please help!


Well-Known Member
It doesn't own in water type filled Monster Houses. Well that is if your not at a high level. But Silver Wind is pretty good.

True, but thankfully my Charizard is a high level, so it took out the huge monster houses in Silver Trench easily. I just hope it can stand up to the pokémon in Western Cave...*has no idea what level they are*

@the legend master: Kyogre's get rate is 50%, so keep trying and it should join you soon.
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omgwtfbbq XD
just ask meh, i have teh book.

*in book*
after recruiting lugia you will find a unexpected visitor at your rescue base- xatu! xatu tells you about a strange new dungeon north-west of mt thuder.

then you get acess to meteor cave :/