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Serebii Fusion Contest!

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<It's Red!!!!!
Would a MOD plz sticky + approve? .

Welcome everyone to the Serebii Fusion Contest. See what the current competition is and enter it!

Current Competition:

Fusion Of Diaruga + Parukia

Size Limit: 128/119 max
Only 1 entry per person per competition-If you wish to edit your entry PM me.
Only enter the correct thing
No Spamming

Competition winners will be announced on the 30th November!
Winner will be PMed a Special Reward
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guess whos back?
A mod has to approve the contest before you post it, not after -.-


Just me
You need more specifics to get a contest approved, and it wouldn't hurt to read the rules and see that you should PM a mod to have it approved BEFORE you post it, not after.

Since this thread is all spam at the moment anyway, I'm closing it. PM me with the proper specifics.
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