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Serebii.net Suggestion Thread


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Post your Suggestions for Serebii.net here

If they're good ideas, they may come up. But please check that your idea has not already been presented

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
you can make more threads like photographs or music.


Well-Known Member
Like i said, i got this from Fiery Blaziken. There should be a TC generator. That would be great,and may stop newbs from postin everywhere about them. But it may not be pretty for trainer card shops...Why did the other suggestion thread get closed?


Warrior Spirit
Choose able User Ranks

About the User Ranks. I know a lot of people got their posts erased recently (200 atleast for myself) due to the hacking attacks. Because of this we lost a few User Ranks. How about you guys make it more fun and less spammy for the forums, by letting us pick our own User rank? Of course it would be out of the preset collection you already have for us.

If you think we should "earn" our user ranks by posting, well how about you let us pick from the old ones we had before then? I personally don't like having Eevee, Squirtle and a pink backround with a ribbon as my user rank when I have over 900 posts. I rather pick an older one. This is my opinion, but I'm sure a lot of the other members would appreciate this change.

(((Kuwagata Kross)))

please read this...

To keep the spaming smaller in D/P, why don't you guys turn off the The Rank count in the D/P section?? Well, it's a nice idea...many newbies and other members are making useless threads to get their user ranks higher. Think about please.


I Crush Everything
I have a suggestion related to the site, rather than the forum.

Would it work to have pokemon colosseum images shown in the pokedex? I would like to be able to see what pokemon look like in colosseum.

Pkm Trainer_Dewgong

Sillent Watcher
A suggestion to the forums...

I think that having a search engine in the avatar sction would be nice. For example, if you want a Pikachu as your avatar, instead of browsing trough all the categories, trying to pick which Pikachu looks better (what takes up time and then, after seeing all the categories, you forget where the one you liked most was), you just type "Pikachu" in the engine and the images containig Pikachu as the main character appear.


Crab People
maybe you could make a Hpw to sprite section on serebii.net. people could PM you on serebiiforums and they could give you the submission and you can approve it or disaprove it. After we would have loads of different ways of makeing sprites.


Well-Known Member
So Joe, when are you going to tell us if our suggestions will work or not? We have been waiting for days.
Maybe you could make a page describing events. In the description you could say the name of the event, the pokemon that were given, and the activitys done there. You can also make better character bios for some of the minor characters. And you can also make pictures for some of the kanto and johto episodes that werent there. ;munchlax; ;351-i;


Well-Known Member
Joe, will you please tell me if my idea is feasable or not? you have only directed your comments to a few people that have posted. Please tell the rest of us if our ideas will work.
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You should make an item-dex. I'd find that very helpful.


Future Scriptwriter!
I think you should have a Cry Page