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Serebii.net Suggestion Thread

Crash & Charm

Back I guess
Hey do you think you could add skins for the main site as well as the forums.
thanks in advance megainja


Event Hunter
Can you start listing Korean, Hong Kong and Taiwanese Events in your EventDex?
I'm not sure why you list Japanese and Singapore events but not those


An app for ios maybe

Nutter t.KK

can Mega Evolve!
One suggestion I have would be for a lid of all npc's by name in games and where to encounter them.

We do a have a list for each game for USEFUL NPCS. http://serebii.net/xy/useful.shtml Most NPCs that you can't fight don't have actually have names.

There is a list of Places with all the trainers on it, in PokéEarth. http://www.serebii.net/pokearth/

An app for ios maybe
Anything of the stuff that Serebii would use an iOS app for turns out that you can do in the Built in Web browser. Plus there are several Pokédex apps that are always under threat of being removed. Some I believe already have been removed: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokédex_apps_pulled_from_market There is a editorial written about this that does go in to more details: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Legal_Issues?_There's_an_app_for_that

EDIT: Serebii along with many other Fansites where asked to remove stuff from the site for several days at the Launch of BW. Serebii does not like to risk going to lawyers again if he can help it.
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I suggest updating this page: www.serebii.net/games/ability.shtml
(If there is a updated ability-page, please inform me. I do not mean the abilitydex)

Aditionally I would suggest a page for abilities used outside of battle.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Huh, okay. I get your point.

But what's good with that page is that you can search for "Overworld Effect", and easily find those abilities.

I could not find a list of such abilities anywhere, and now I don't know if there are newer abilites not included in that old page. There might be some useful ones.
Hence, "Aditionally I would suggest a page for abilities used outside of battle."

EDIT: Or an update for the abilitydex, maybe?
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Eh, ragazzo!
Maybe you can make a list of situations of Pokemon that have rigged IVs.

For example:
R/S Lati@s and FR/LG wandering legendary have reduced IVs (from a glitch).
XY Pokemon that are unable to breed have 3 perfect IVs.
XY FS Pokemon have 2 perfect IVs.

The Red Thunder

Backwards thinking?
I'm surprised there's no section dedicated to Pokémon-related videos made by fans. There's a section for fan fiction and fan art, but no section for us to post the videos we've made. I would love a section where we could post and share the videos we've made and uploaded to various video sharing sites like Blip or YouTube.

I understand that you probably don't want a place where people just flood to this site to advertise their videos to drive people to their channel. But, perhaps impose some form of benchmark to filter out the people from spamming new accounts? Maybe some form of minimum post count that can't be easily achieved without being obviously spammy; or maybe make it so that you can only create threads if you've been a member for a predetermined number of time?

Nutter t.KK

can Mega Evolve!
I'm surprised there's no section dedicated to Pokémon-related videos made by fans. There's a section for fan fiction and fan art, but no section for us to post the videos we've made. I would love a section where we could post and share the videos we've made and uploaded to various video sharing sites like Blip or YouTube.

I understand that you probably don't want a place where people just flood to this site to advertise their videos to drive people to their channel. But, perhaps impose some form of benchmark to filter out the people from spamming new accounts? Maybe some form of minimum post count that can't be easily achieved without being obviously spammy; or maybe make it so that you can only create threads if you've been a member for a predetermined number of time?

Many Youtube Videos of Pokémon is really Lets Plays, or commentary about Pokémons. The Commentary, Serebii forums do accept in text form in the relevant sections. Threads that are just Links to Lets Plays are considered Advertising by the staff. (As former Staff, I did try to encourage people to post, but not mention the Lets Play in posts.)

The Remaining few videos would come under fan art, as they are often Animations or "Speed up" Drawings of a Painting. Check with Staff in that section if you can post a section video.

Mind you there have been a one case where someone has translated Promtional Videos.. which at the time there was no English Translation. That guy was staff at the time.

Murder Doll

Button Presser
I noticed that in the EV training guide for Attack you guys have the scraggy of route 5 listed.

I think it would be better to have the Bellsprout of route 14 listed instead.

They are far more common and thus better for EV farming.

For X/Y that is.
Now that new games are heading our way we will probably get new, fresh artwork of the gen III pokémon (about time). This will lead to an even larger Sugimori Art folder among the avatars. The system messes with the order so it can be hard to navigate.
Quite some time ago I suggested dividing this folder after which games/generation the artwork were introduced with. Last time my post was ignored and I got no reply. You have done it with the sprites so why not the artwork too?

Also, will the Unova gym leaders get their own user titles?

(I have also noticed that I posted in the wrong thread, but I think I'll just let it stay here anyway instead of deleting the post and them re-post it)
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Eh, ragazzo!
What about a page detailing the facilities that exist in the Pokemon games that are fixed leveled and no uber legendaries are allowed like the battle frontier?
You could also include special rules and maybe even mention the ones in PBR.


6th generation lover
I dont know if this is the right place but you should have were the gems are for xy it says they're all available but it doesn't give location like it does with other items


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Have you considered changing the video format used on the site? I'm not sure what it is is, but it doesn't load up on ipads or iphones (flash probably).

I just use the Youtube videos and embed it as you would all Youtube videos. I don't host them myself.


Pokerman Master
I think there should be an easier way to search for the avatar your wanting. Like say you want to look at the list of all the totodile avatars or avatars that have totodile in them. It would take up less time than having to look at every thing else just trying to find a totodile avatar in a mess of all other avatars. In other words.. Put up a search tool for when looking for avatarts, and if it doesn't fit something put it in misulanious. Trainers can all go in one section IMO