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Serebii.net Suggestion Thread

Nutter t.KK

can Mega Evolve!
I think there should be an easier way to search for the avatar your wanting. Like say you want to look at the list of all the totodile avatars or avatars that have totodile in them. It would take up less time than having to look at every thing else just trying to find a totodile avatar in a mess of all other avatars. In other words.. Put up a search tool for when looking for avatarts, and if it doesn't fit something put it in misulanious. Trainers can all go in one section IMO

That could make the problems we have worse. We have over 700 Pokémon, each one is represented at least once with "spirte" versions. Moving each Pokémon art to new category could take days. Personally I don't think the people who have access will want to do this when they other things to do in life.
make a new page for the Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum sections that list all of the secret base items
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New Member
This is more of a question. I've noticed that the gen 6 pokédex page is still using the gen 5 unit as the header. My question is, can anyone submit a new header? The reason for asking is that I went ahead and made one. I'll post the link if you want to see it, otherwise just say no, and I'll remove it from Photobucket.


Eh, ragazzo!
Since R/S/E/FR/LG can still connect onwards, I think it would do some good to spiffy the look of it with the new format.

I think that the shiny event page should be brought to existence with Pokemon like the Crown Beasts and Shiny Beldum.

The Mega Evolution also seem to have a little bit of flavor text on the official Pokemon website. It isn't consistent on the pages, but once ORAS comes out, maybe you can gather the entries.


Mega Charizard X: With this transformation, Mega Charizard X body turns black, and its flames burn blue with increased heat.
Mega Charizard Y: Mega Charizard Y is in a league of its own when it comes to flying prowess, able to reach incredible heights.

However, even with Charizard, the entries are not in the same place.

Edit: The last idea may prove to be ambitious. Sometimes, the "flavor text" is not easy to define.
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Well-Known Member
A substantial way to launch complaints against staff either breaking rules, acting out of their opinions to the detriment of the forum or abusing their position.


Staff member
first of all, this is for the website NOT the forums

second of all
3. I was infracted unfairly! What do I do?
Your first course of action should be to talk to the moderator who infracted you. Sometimes we make mistakes, and even if it was not a mistake often the moderator can give you a better understanding of why you were infracted. However, if the moderator does not respond in a few days or you still wish to contest it, you can PM a higher-up by forwarding the conversation you had with the mod who infracted you first. The order is Moderator -> Supermod -> Administrator -> Serebii. It is best if you PM a higher up assigned to the section you received the infraction from, if possible. If your infraction results in a ban, then use the Staff Contact forum.
Please note, however, that infractions that are not mistakes are rarely reversed. And remember that you cannot see if other users are infracted, so the excuse "he did the same thing and didn't get punished" is not a valid reason because you can't see if other users get punished or not.

please read before posting


Eh, ragazzo!
You can update Pokearth pages with these details with Burmy coat changes and Nature Power moves.

Also, you can make a page listing all of the locations for magnetic, ice rock, and moss rock, for the location based evolutions.


Number #1 Tepig Fan
The Ruby/Sapphire section looks REALLY bad, even more when you compare it to the other game sections. It really needs to be updated.


Number #1 Tepig Fan
Complete trainer lists for the Battle Maison from X and Y. Unless the Pokémon are completely random of course.


Eh, ragazzo!
Since you will cover Smash bros. 4, I think you should model your pages similar to what you did in Brawl.

Characters, (customizable) specials, Kirby Hats, etc.


Eh, ragazzo!
I will. Don't worry.

The game's not out yet.
Well I know that, sayer-bee.

I just wanted to point out that the Brawl format in particular would be a great model for a future format.

At least that's what I think.

Edit: I will also give you a Pokemon suggestion. You could make a page based on recurring characters in the games like Cynthia, Steven, Oak, and characters like that.


Why? Well, wynaut?
Pls make it 5 seconds to send another message just incase you accidentally send it more than once
Waiting a minute to reply to another person when you need to reply to them asap is annoying


Staff member
this is for the website not forums. but a minute is not that long to wait and 5 seconds would let people spam too much.


and also Puka
Yeah I dont like it here anymore.

My signature was "too big" so I got a warning, but how would I be able to tell if I use my phone? Its ridiculous.
Then the guy wouldnt just give me the quote of what was in my signature so I could put it somewhere else. I always delete messages, he doesn't need to be rude to me either way.

Id suggest recruiting people to be mods or whatever who are actually nice and dont try to put you down like a sick dog.

No one should get a warning just because they double posted. How silly. If someone double posted all a mod needs to do is simply pm them and tell them they did it, and then if the person doesnt take it down in a few days, then give them a warning.

We can post ideas for mega evolutions or what we would like for them to look like, whch is sad.

This site has too many rules. You just lost another user.



Internet Overlord
Yeah, Sparky talking about yours/others infractions is also against the rules. You really should read them if you change your mind and decide to stay.

Good luck finding a rule-less forum that isn't as troll-fest as 4chan.