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Serebii.net Update: Black & White Coverage Day 14



Serebii.net has just updated with this:

Be sure to check previous updates. As we have now discovered most of the game, feel free to let me know about what aspects you wish me to cover now. We'll add the episode pictures later today. Since Black & White came out in Japan, the Chatroom & WiFi Chatroom have been a bustling hive of activity for discussion & trade respectively so be sure to visit them.
ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: As it's new game release, server load has gone up so speed may be an issue. Please bear with us
Last Update: 15:17 BST
Edit @ 11:25; Character Biography update | Edit @ 12:29; New BW page | Edit @ 13:56; Episode Pictures | Edit @ 15:11; Pokémon Musical page | Edit @ 15:17; Battle Test Facility page updated

In The Games Department

Black & White - Massive Notice

I have just received notification from Nintendo regarding the Pokémon Black & White games. They have requested that I no longer post images about the games claiming they violate intellectual property. As such, for the time being I have had to remove all images related to the games. Our section will still be massively indepth and I'll continue to cover the games where possible and provide an alternative to the images as and when we can. While we have been told we can post images as per fair use, there have been numerous contradictary statements from various official people so I need to make sure what I can do before I post images. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused during our Black & White coverage

In The Games Department

Black & White - Coverage Day 14

Continuing on from yesterday, the coverage shall follow on until. As we've finished the bulk of the story now, everything that is left is content making for everything within the games. While there are still a few discoveries to be made, there will be less than in previous days. Please note, the ItemDex & Pokéarth are being worked on. As usual, there is a discovery thread on the forums, which I will be using to post every thing I see. I will also update here whenever I've got something worthy of making a page or a consolidation of the day's data. In the mean-time, check our Pokémon Black & White section for the various details of this game.As we've entered Day 14 of the Coverage, the coverage will start leaning towards the creation of various content. As we can't legally use screenshots for the time being, unfortunately all we can provide is the core information which should still suffice in the asisstance. This part of the update will be updated throughout the day with the new sections I create;

In The Animé Department

Episode Pictures

As usual, I have done pictures from the episode that aired in Japan today. This episode features Ash & Iris finding out that a group of Meguroko have been terrorising a nearby sandbath. The AniméDex has been updated with the vast contents of this episode. Click the picture to go to the gallery but be warned however as they contain spoilers;

In The Animé Department

Character Biographies

With the new episode that just aired in Japan, I have been able to update Ash's character biography with another new Pokémon, one has been shown in the past during previews but hadn't been captured until today. Be warned though as these biographies contain major spoilers. Click the respective picture to go to the page

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