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Seriously, does EVERYONE really hate Pikachu?

What is your opinion of Pikachu?

  • LOVE IT!

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • I like it, oddly enough

    Votes: 19 23.2%
  • Meh, it's okay

    Votes: 29 35.4%
  • Don't like it

    Votes: 8 9.8%

    Votes: 14 17.1%

  • Total voters


Don't Blink
Well-look at the title. Everyone seems to hate it because it's the Mascot. Bit of an irrational hate if you ask me. Seeing a lot of it-is that really a reason to hate it? It isn't even popular anymore. I mean, every flaming time I post in the 'Rate the Avvy' game, the NP just goes 'oh that darn rofdent(yeah with the misspellling) or 'it sucks'. I like Pikachu. It isn't my favourite, but I like it. People should get used to it, coz they're gonna be seeing a lot more of it in the future. By the way, don't flame me for this.

What do you think of it? Yeah, I know I'll get about sixty HATE THE THING replies, but what the heck.



Well-Known Member
I cant hate that adorable liitle Ketchup eating rat. Its what got me into pokemon in the first place

Crystal Clair

Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings about the Pika.
Me too. One moment I hate Pikachu, the next moment I think it's kinda cute.
Well certain Pikachu moments I find kinda cute.
Gosh, no wonder I didn't vote on the poll, I'm so indecisive on this!

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
I have somewhat mixed feelings about Pikachu. Before I knew of the anime and the manga, I really liked it, as, Raichu was and still is, one of my favourite Pokemon, however, I've soured to the beast a little now that it effectively prevents Raichu from getting any serious cannon attention. [Pikachu @ Stick up it's ***, effect; nullifies the aura of all Thunder Stones.]**Shrug** I'm still pretty fond of it when I see it in it's early anime appearances. [Remember? When Pokemon actually had personalities?]

Thankfully, the only Raichu I'll be training for the foreseeable future will be a physical sweeper, and, seeing as how all but one of it's attacks are taught through TM, the darling little custard mouse will eat Thunder Stone the second it evolves from Pichu.

In short, I like it, but, far prefer it's slightly less common baby and evolved forms.


Well-Known Member
i like it. not one of my fave pokemon, but its ok. although, pika's so overrated.


Who can say?
I like Pikachu as much as any pokemon.

I think the reason SOME people take a dislike to it is because Nintendo tend's to go over the top with the Pika merchandise. Some feel that they are constantly shoving Pika down our throats and ignoring other, equally as good/cool/cute/whatever pokemon.


What do I put here?
I don't mind it, I think Pikachu's kind of cute. I think most people here hate it because they think everyone else likes it, so they hate it.

Dragon Champion

Smogon sucks.
Pikachu's OK.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
I like pikachu as a species, but I don't like the specific one belonging to Ash.


sometimes i like pikachu sometimes i hate it they can never make a milotic plush and they make pikachu plushies all the time


Well-Known Member
He's okay. I'd like it alot more if it weren't overadvertised, overemphasized, and overmerchandized.
I think, if he hadn't of ended up as the mascot of the franchise as we know it, I'd like it alot more. Because Pichu is cute and Raichu rocks, the middle stage in the line can't be as bad as years of merchandising and advertisements have brought him to be in my mind.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate him, but I don't like him, either. He's just become a little redundant after being so heavily advertised for 10 years.
I like Pikachu but I understand why others hate it so much.
Pikachu is a star of the show and is a symbol of everything what is related with pokemon. In the anime Pikachu is damn cute and wins every match, that why people call him bad "Rat" "Yellow rat" etc. Pikachu and Meowth are the most popular pokemon on the world and i don't hate them. Pikachu is really sweet and smart.

Dark Dranzer

Well-Known Member
I don't like Pikachu, I admit it...when I was a kid, I fell for it just like all the other people when it first appeared. but as the years went on I kinda got bored with all the attention Pikachu got, whether it would be positive or negative. I dunno, being exposed with all that limelight just took the affection that I had for Pikachu in the first place away.

Dark Master Zork

dark scizor master
eh i dont hate it but i prefer it to be a raichu and have volt tackle like mine lol

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
I don't hate Pikachu, really, though I've said I do. It's more like I hate Ash's Pikachu =P. But in either case, Pikachu is of no use to me. It is not a fully evolved Pokémon.

Now, Raichu is another matter. I seriously love Raichu to death. Only reason I've ever had Pikachu in the past, lol. :D


I love garlic. :P
Nope.. Don't like it... As voted, it's to common... And fat.. :D