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Seth and LuGiA bLaStOiSe's Request shop! ( now Hiring)


Well-Known Member
Hi this is a shop that me and LuGiA bLaStOiSe thought of a day ago. I can do Fusions, fusion icons and backshots(provide the fusion), recolors, and revamps, and Devamps, LuGiA bLaStOiSe can do fusions and B&Gs, and DARKDEOXYS can do Trainer cards. I think that's it. One request at a time please.
Here are some examples: Recolor, Fusion(Murkrow+Xatu), Devamp, Some Revamps, Banner( My Best),I'm getting more examples from workers.
Working here:
1. me and my brother(Pokeboy95)
2. LuGia bLaStOiSe
3. Gary's raichu
4. Flygon
5. Shadow Groudon
6. Chaimee1
7. Booma Bomb
8. Kalbon14
9. ariados34

Waiting list

Start requesting!!
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Lunar Origin
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I'd like a revamp of this if you can

If not,then this


Hi, I'm Seth's little brother Logan and Seth said that I could work here. I can do everything that Seth can do because he taught me how. Any requests for me?


ultimatepokemonchamp said:
I got a request: leave.

Hey that was mean, why do you want me to leave? I just said that Seth said I can work here with him and LuGiA bLaStOiSe.


Lunar Origin
Pokeboy95 said:
Hey that was mean, why do you want me to leave? I just said that Seth said I can work here with him and LuGiA bLaStOiSe.
i know why he wants you to leave, because he's a jerk


ultimatepokemonchamp said:
I got a request: leave.

if UR not going to request u leave

is that against the rule anyway if so u can report u know


Lunar Origin
~FusionBoy Seth~ said:
I just did everything on the first post.
you might want to also post what we can do like you did with yourself and LuGiA bLaStOiSe


you might want to also post what we can do like you
did with yourself and LuGiA bLaStOiSe

yeah hes right i mean what if someone asks a worker something he cant do i mean theres a chance he/she might be embarassed, its like going to 5th grade when u really r in 6th and then just found out thats embarrasing.


hey i got bored and did a revamp idk if seth was almost done so

enjoy that was like my 2nd revamp my first was a weedle simple weedle.

ahhh goodtimes,goodtimes.

oh seth u should post what ur bro can do unless he does samething as u i read but i didnt see it if u did dont read this edit
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