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Seth and LuGiA bLaStOiSe's Request shop! ( now Hiring)


Lunar Origin
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♥~Mimori Kiryu~♥ can you make me a banner...
the pictures- on the left side a fading picture of juan the gym leader and on the right a clear picture of blissey (you choose which pic)
text should say- in the corner it should have Azumarill in like brush script and have a juan sprite next to it (Emerald one)

srry couldnt get the url to work so here ya go

-azu ;242;
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man im bored if only F.A.R. could be stickied everyone will see it im so bored right now. *_*;;;;;

wow an upgrade... just posting if u didnt notice

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Hi Pokeboy95! Can you do me a fusion of mudkip and bonsly? (I'm a big fan of those pokemon too!) If you can't do that then i'll have a recolor of a mudkip with bonsly's colors?
Thanks in advance!
The revamps I've seen so far aren't very impressive. They have points of light, I'll give you that. But there's no shading.

Alright pokeboy, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I just think it's not cool to just say your little brother can join up. Could've at least had him post a few things first. I've got a project for you. You ever try to create fakemon?


Lunar Origin
ultimatepokemonchamp said:
The revamps I've seen so far aren't very impressive. They have points of light, I'll give you that. But there's no shading.
ok some people have already said to leave. So now i am going to say it, get out.


I'm kinda busy to post the sprites here, so go to my sprite shop and take a look.
Good job with that Pokeboy. That's the best I've seen on here yet. Some things you need to fix: 1) the black lines on the head by "stem" need to be changed to a darker green/brown, and 2) the separation of the cheek and tail needs to be more defined. Once those are fixed, it'll look better.


Thanks! I'll try and fix it now!

EDIT: I dont know if its fixed enough:( (if its not can you tell me?)
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Lunar Origin
ultimatepokemonchamp said:
I'm giving you guys critiques. If you can't take the criticism, then you shouldn't be posting these. That's the whole idea.
what i meant was many people wanted you to leave but you didn't
Listen, I appologized for my rudeness. It's clear this guy knows what he's doing, maybe better than some of you other guys. Look at the revamps, there's a lack of shadowing. Just small little things that are simple to fix. I'm trying to help you guys out. I was at this level some time ago, and this was the kind of critiquing that helped me get to what level of spriting I'm at today.

Good job fixing the Mudsly. You're on your way kid. How about a mix of Scizor and Machamp?


Try something reasonable and easy. Scizor and Machamp will make you better, but it certainly isn't easy. Start off simple, with a Pokemon like Eevee or Slugma.

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Can i have a fusion between sudowoodo and macargo with one as each as base please Pokeboy95?

Thanks in advance buddy!


hey ultimatepokemonchamp if ur good (not sarcasm) y dont u ask seth if u can work here??well if u had problems like us (no offense) u can probably help us u know plus we need more people.