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Shadow Pokemon Plot? (Again!?)

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
I was just thinking... will they do the whole Shadow Pokemon thing? I really hope that years later they don't find some way to restore the old matine thingy... I mean, this game does allow you to put your D/P pokemon in... but what of the main story? It would be cool if it was a new region, with gyms and all. This is unlikely... but it is a thought. Anyone else dread the thought of Shadow Pokemon? (So boring.) What do you think will happen in this story?


Well-Known Member
I would prefer the Shadw Style b/c change is bad. EX: New VA's


Sometimes a bit rude
I want another shadow pokemon story line, make it the 'Shadow Trilogy'.

But I want them to add wild pokemon to it, give us a a chance to get a good team. Also, I wouldn't mind a breeding center. And it WILL be a shadow pokemon game, the old man's son will be the head villain.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Are you sereous?! Where did you fond this information??? I am so mad. I hate purifying Shadow pokemon, and I am only getting this game so I can see my babys in full 3-D.


Pearl Trader
And it WILL be a shadow pokemon game, the old man's son will be the head villain.
What's the source of this information?
I'd really hate for it to be true... Not because I hate the Shadow Pokemon storylines (I actually really liked them), but because it would really be stretching credibility for Team Cipher to rise from the grave twice. Even Team Rocket was just a shell of itself in G/S/C, after losing Giovanni; how can Team Cipher survive losing its leader twice?


Storm of Fire
Unless they make entirely new team(Which I doubt). Though I'm not knocking the storyline down. Though it is pretty predictable(Once you beat Colleseum, XD was a little less enjoyable). They really should have put more Wild Pokemon.


Sometimes a bit rude
What's the source of this information?
I'd really hate for it to be true... Not because I hate the Shadow Pokemon storylines (I actually really liked them), but because it would really be stretching credibility for Team Cipher to rise from the grave twice. Even Team Rocket was just a shell of itself in G/S/C, after losing Giovanni; how can Team Cipher survive losing its leader twice?

1. Its just a logical prosumtion.
2. It only lost its leader once, in XD, as memory serves, Evice wasn't its leader.
3. The son is just as evil as his father was, and would make a brilliant Cipher leader.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
What's the source of this information?
I'd really hate for it to be true... Not because I hate the Shadow Pokemon storylines (I actually really liked them), but because it would really be stretching credibility for Team Cipher to rise from the grave twice. Even Team Rocket was just a shell of itself in G/S/C, after losing Giovanni; how can Team Cipher survive losing its leader twice?

Exactly... What if it was about being a breeder or something... I dunno. ANYTHING but Shadow Pokemon, and if it was, please no Cipher...

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
1. Its just a logical prosumtion.
2. It only lost its leader once, in XD, as memory serves, Evice wasn't its leader.
3. The son is just as evil as his father was, and would make a brilliant Cipher leader.

That kinda killed my whole theory... but who is his son? Was he in XD? And Why? I don't like Cipher.


Sometimes a bit rude
That kinda killed my whole theory... but who is his son? Was he in XD? And Why? I don't like Cipher.

If you haven't finished XD, this'll be a spoiler. The two guys that have red and blue hair (as in, one has red, the other blue) are his sons. One of them persuades his father to be good, and the other runs off in a helacopter, and thats why I know there'll be a third.

EDIT: And don't double post, double posting is bad :D

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Oh yes, I havent played it in a while, I just transfered Lugia then sold the game. And no, no third son. They are twins, not triplets. Why wouldn't the "evilest" help to take over the world? Because he doesn't exist. But yes, I forgot about the twins. What now? Sorry for the double.


I wouldn't mind more shadow pkmn. they always give you some rare pkmn so ti would be wroth it to get shadows. it just gives them bad scores on gameinformer.


Queen of Charizards!
YO Spriteman, you think Undertaker's Gay. You just HURT me.

Anyhow, i kinda of like hte Shadow Pokemon, but it could of been better if you can get you D/P pokemon in that game first


Pokemon Collecter
Please, no! I hated the Shadow Pokemon idea.
I'd love it to be a proper Pokemon RPG - gyms, wild pokemon etc. :(

News Lucario

GlItH hUnTeR Seth
What's the source of this information?
I'd really hate for it to be true... Not because I hate the Shadow Pokemon storylines (I actually really liked them), but because it would really be stretching credibility for Team Cipher to rise from the grave twice. Even Team Rocket was just a shell of itself in G/S/C, after losing Giovanni; how can Team Cipher survive losing its leader twice?

Hes guessing me and my 20 or so freinds that beat XD all guessed that also we all think he will be the main villan (it was the red haired 1 right not the blue 1???)

Manafi's Dream

The son in blue will have to be evil guy in this game cause the other is good.


Well-Known Member
As long as he's not anouther old, fat guy i'm okay with the shadow pokemon thing. Maybe we could get some D/P's shadows.


Wish Maker
Think about it, if they make another shadow plot, they will be forced to have cool shadows, like Deoxys or Celebi.