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Shadowfuse's Sprites

I'll post my sprites here. Here's a start of what I can do; (Note that they are my recent sprites.)

Venocada -> Venojask.
Venonat/Nincada evoline. Bug/poison.


Relicanth/Milotic. Water/rock.

Slugeen -> Seakargo.
Slugma/Goldeen evoline. Water/Fire.

(* stands for; not made yet.)
Pumpknot -> Pumpgoth* -> Pumpking.
- (*) -
Grass - Grass/dark - Grass/dark.

Scight -> Grimheist -> Reapecter.
- -
They're all Ghost/dark.

Ok this is what I wanted to show for now, More to be updated.
And C+C is welcome.


Local Dragonmaster
I see you are very skilled, and you needed to be to do those nice mixes... I enjoy the fact that they're not copy-pastish, and I really like how you did Relotic. Your fakes are also great.. Pumpking isnt a creative name though :\

good work, keep it up

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Your talented, I love your fusions! They are the complete opposite of copy and paste-ish! I adore that Relotic, the shading is beautiful and the parts are perfect!

The only thing you could improve on is more creative/imaginative names for your fakemon!
A little update;


Paraigu Parukia/Daraigu... You know what it's for.
Maybe it's worthy of a second place =D

Spibuto -> Ariutops.
- .
Spinarak/Kabuto evoline, Rock/bug.
It's not quite recent anymore, but it's still my fav whn it comes to Rp's.


I tryed to search for new names for my pumpkins. Although Pumpking is almost translated:
Pumpknot -> Nanlulo (Japanese for pumpkin; Nanka + Latin for sprout; Pullulo)
Pumpking -> Nanouja (Japanese for pumpkin; Nanka + Japanese for king; Ouja )

Dark scyther.

It's bad I know, that's why I remade it. In other words it's an old sprite.

Demonic scyther

I think you can seethat this one is more 'advanced' than dark scyther.

That wraps it up for now.
Update later this evening (My time Gmt +1) or tomorrow.
@novapoke -
I don't know, I just placed some pixels here and there, filled it with shading and voilá. :confused:

Pumpknot -> Nanlulo (Japanese for pumpkin; Nanka + Latin for sprout; Pullulo)
I redid it again by making it Nanjushi (Japanese for pumpkin; Nanka + japanese for sprout; Jushi.)

And I made the fisrt stage;
Nankou (Nanka [pumpkin] + kou[prince])

And I'll finish this post with some gifs;

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
I love all of your sprites. I can't give any crit. All I can say is keep up the great work and make more.


you amaze me.
You're a very skilled spriter! Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
this is great! your good fusioner! i loved the milotic! well i don't like the d\p sprites but it good!
your scratches need work.Other than that, theyre awesome!

Explain please.

A request mix;

Beautifly/Tropius - Grass/flying.

I think it's a good thing to show you the old versions of my pumpkin fake starters. I assure you, you will see the improvement.
Pumpknot - Pumpgoth - Pumpking
- -


Cool story.
Your ghosts are AWESOME. The pumpkin ones aren't as good, but I like the name. Pumpking, sounds like a name that Nintendo would come up with.
Some mixes;

Spinarak/Keikouo. - Bug/water.

Ariados/Neorantu. - Bug/water.
They were a request on an other forum.

- Normal.
Request in the genral request topic of this forum.


The Cool One
Mayby you cold try a new Deoxys form(just a suggestion)
Your sprites are very cool!
Alright, it has been a while.

Well Kazuma, Maybe I will make a alternative deoxys sprite.
but i'm not sure about it though.

And now for the ghastly brothers;
Minette & Plusclops.
Minum and Plusle × Banette and Dusclops.

I <3 Minette, I think Plusclops has some flaws though.


The Shiny Espeon!
Your new versions of the pumpkin-line are waaaaay better than the old ones.
I really think your fusions are awsome! I don't really have much crit, but keep up the good work.