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Shaman King


Webmaster | Writer
PLEASE tell me someone else here likes the Shaman King manga <<;

Because I do ;D

So...what's your favorite volume/character/spirit/etc?

I'm in love with Tao Jun <33 She's kawaii~


I like the Shaman King manga. My favorite volume was vol. 1. Yoh looked bada** when he kicked Ryu's arse.


PokéJungle said:

My favorite so far is volume 2 ~ Tao Jun kicks butt with Lee Bailong =3
Yeah, I remember that volume. It was creepy how she put her blood on the spell tag. >_>;;;


I LOVE Shaman King! ^ ^ (That's where I got my name from, obviously.) My favorite Spirit, of course, is Tokagero and my favorite characters are: Faust VIII, Ren, and Chrysler (he was in the filler episode "Oracle Bell Down" and that was the only one he was in, but I still think he's awesome!). I like Amidamaru and Lyserg, also.


Just got the first volume yesterday and it totally rocks. Amidamaru is cool

Son Goku

e only read the first one but i think its brilliant. I love Tao Ren. he's small but he kicks butt


I read a few chapters back when it was on Toriyama World. But i was busy with Naruto at the time. I might have to check it out again now.
It's a really good manga. And it's one where you compare it to the dubbed anime and pass out at the amout of censorship... like what Faust did to Manta o_O

Cyndaquil's No.1 Fan

I like Yoh from Shaman King. The way he changes towards the end of the manga is really intriguing. The new move he learns that can rid all shamans' furyouku is really amazing too.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say that Volume seven's my favorite. That poor Panda ;_; Anyways, I didn't mind the anime, but the manga explains much more. My favorite characters are Hao (Zeke), Tao Ren, HoroHoro, Yoh, and the list goes on. For spirits, I'd say Amidamaru is a must, as well as the Spirit of Fire.


Well-Known Member
I like the fact that Yoh is so damn carefree, he actually reminds me of Goku from the Dragonball realm. It was priceless when he was chilling out with his ice-cream before his big fight with Tao Ren...


Lyserg is my fav. He's damn cool... and kawaii. Yoh's a bit lax, IMO. Zeke's just your day-to-day insane psychopath bent on destroying non-shaman humankind.


Well-Known Member
Just a question, what volume of the graphic novels are they up to in Japan? I think volume 9 is the next one that will see a Western release, but I'm curious about the situation in the East.


Jynx's husband
I like it. I'd say my favorite chapter is when Ryu and Monta met Ponchi and Conchi... I thought it was a VERY funny chapter...

FYI, I personally think the Manga is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the anime


Well-Known Member
MarcmenX said:
I like it. I'd say my favorite chapter is when Ryu and Monta met Ponchi and Conchi... I thought it was a VERY funny chapter...

Those two things are just plain annoying...


Jynx's husband
Out of curiousity, [SPOIL]I heard that Shaman King ended on chapter 285. However, the story remained incomplete since it got cancelled... Is this true?[/SPOIL]