I have had a shiny sharpedo for a while now and i thought now was the time to train him and give him a good ms. Here are his IVs:
HP: 0
Att: 5
Def: 3
Sp.Att: 19
Sp.Def: 31
Spd: 31
Nature: Quirky
Considering his pathetic attack iv, i was thinking maybe a special sweeper with surf, ice beam, crunch and something else. COuld someone please tell me what ms i should get?
HP: 0
Att: 5
Def: 3
Sp.Att: 19
Sp.Def: 31
Spd: 31
Nature: Quirky
Considering his pathetic attack iv, i was thinking maybe a special sweeper with surf, ice beam, crunch and something else. COuld someone please tell me what ms i should get?