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She sais its in the pokecenter, but what one?


Active Member
Where and what pokecenter is the berrycrusher in, i've never found it?

Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
do you mean the berry blender because thats in the contest hall


Active Member

No i mean the berry crusher, she sais if i bring her enough berry powder she can make medicines, the lady in the slateport shop sport with all the stalls, she is the one in the top right

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It's on the 2nd floor of every single pokécenter on the direct corner. You need a friend and the wireless adapter to berry crush.

Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
did you already get the powder jar, well if you did you need to link with a friend inside the pokecenter and use the berry crush option, its one of the things to choose from in the place where you can trade or battle

Zero Nexus

Stand up, go for it
wireless room, but you need a friend and a powder jar

EDIT: FI-NA-LY!! next rank!
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Wireless room and you need a friend and a powder jar to start