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<- Best DP Legendary
Author's Note: A short, complete story (which is also posted on Fanfiction.net) about the history of the Pokémon world, and that little grassy hedgehog's role in it all.

Be warned that your view of the Pokémon world's origins, and the roles of the legendary Pokémon in it, will likely be flipped upside down and bodyslammed multiple times by this story. So don't go regurgitating Pokédex entries at me, please.

For a wonderful example of someone regurgitating Pokédex entries, look at the next post. You'll also see amazing feats of mixing "fanon," game-canon, and anime-canon into one giant mess of nonsense, and also a decent effort at trying to disguise their Pokédex-regurgitating as something else.

Probably appropriate for all ages, as far as I can tell.


I woke up on a desolate world. It was boring, it was hard to breathe, and there was nothing to eat.

So I made grass. I liked the grass, so I made more, until it covered up the whole world. The air was easier to breathe, and the world cooled down.

I lived and ate the grass alone for many years, before I noticed that all the grass looked the same. It was boring, and it all tasted the same.

So I made different plants. I liked trees most of all, so I made them the biggest plants of all.

I noticed that there were too many big plants, and they were shading out the smaller ones. That would make the world boring again, so I made moss and fungus to eat away at the old trees. I liked the moss, because it was soft to walk on. I liked the fungus too, because it tasted nice.

I lived and ate the plants and the fungus alone for many years, before I noticed that the insects were eating all the fungus, because I made it taste nice.

So I made some poisonous fungus. If the fungus was poisonous, nobody would want to eat it, so everyone would be more careful about eating the fungus. To make sure everyone would know which fungus was poisonous, I made them red and white and bright-colored, like the sun and the stars.

I lived and ate the plants and the fungus alone for many years, before I noticed that it was boring living alone.

So I took some of the insects and gave them souls. The different insects all liked different places to live, so they spread out all over the world. Some of them went into the water, and became hard-shelled swimming creatures. Some of them could fly, so they lived up in the trees. Some of them could climb, so they lived in the bushes and in the low branches of the trees. And the crawling insects liked me the most, so they stayed on the ground with me to keep me company.

I lived and ate the plants and fungus with the insects for many years, before I noticed that maybe some plants needed souls, too.

So I took some of the plants and gave them souls. The plants all started moving and thinking like me, and they spread out all over the world like the insects. The plants liked me more than anyone else, so a lot of them stayed on the ground with me.

I lived and ate the plants and fungus with the insects and the plants for many years, before I noticed that there were new creatures in the water that I hadn't seen before. They were fish, and couldn't come up on the land because they didn't have any legs.

So I took some of the fish and gave them a special gift, so they could float up out of the water and see what the land was like. Some of the fish liked the land so much that they grew legs, so they could come up on the land whenever they liked. One of the bigger fish liked floating up so much that it didn't grow legs, and instead floated in the air whenever it wanted to come up on the land. I liked the fish, so I named it Kyogre and let it watch over the ocean for me, since I couldn't swim.

I lived with the insects and plants and fish for many years, and I watched the fish-with-legs turn into new creatures. Some of them were slimy and lived in the water, and others had scaly skin and claws and could live on the land all the time. Some of them had even started growing fur or feathers all over their bodies. I noticed that it was getting very warm, and that some places were too hot and dry to live in. One of the scaly creatures liked the hot, dry places.

So I named it Groudon and let it watch over the dry places for me, since I didn't like the heat there.

I lived with all the creatures for many years, before I noticed that there was nobody to watch over the sky for me. I found a scaly creature that wanted to fly more than anything else. It would try to fly every day, but it never was able to because it didn't have wings.

So I gave it the power to fly, and named it Rayquaza, and let it watch over the sky for me, since I couldn't fly.

I lived with all the creatures for many years, before I noticed that Kyogre and Groudon had gotten into an argument, and had begun fighting. During their fight they both gave names to other creatures, and gave them great power like what I had given them.

So I calmed them down, and sealed them away deep beneath the ocean, where they couldn't fight with each other anymore. I took each of the creatures they had named and gathered them up, then decided that Lugia would watch the ocean in Kyogre's place, and Ho-Oh would watch the dry, hot places. I took Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres to another part of the world, and had them make sure the weather stayed normal there.

I lived with all the creatures for many years, before I noticed that someone else had come to the world. There were many creatures, but all of them called themselves by the same name, Mew. There was only one who didn't have that name, and that creature called itself Aruseus.

So I went out to meet them. Aruseus asked me where the ruler of the world was, and I said that this world had no ruler, because it never did, and I never thought of myself as a ruler. Aruseus and the Mews spread out all over the world, and started giving orders to the creatures I had named. They didn't listen, but Aruseus attacked them and they were forced into listening. They all stayed away from me, because that was what Aruseus had told them to do. All the other creatures, even the ones that didn't have names yet, did the same thing, and I was alone again.

I lived and ate the plants and the fungus alone for many years, before I noticed that the Mews had created a new type of creature that walked on two legs. They weren't much different from the furry creatures that were already here, but Aruseus told them they were better than other creatures. I tried to tell them the truth, but they never listened to me, because they couldn't talk like other creatures did, so they couldn't tell what I was saying.

So I made a creature that stood on two legs like they did, and named it Regigigas, and made it so it could talk to the new creatures in their minds. The new creatures, who called themselves Humans, started to gather around Regigigas, and made three statues in its image. Regigigas liked them, so it made them into creatures like itself, and the four of them all lived with the humans, and taught them how the world works.

I lived and ate the plants and the fungus alone for many years, before I noticed that Aruseus had helped the Mews create many new creatures which hadn't existed before. There were some that looked similar to Mews, like the ones that called themselves Celebi and Jirachi. There were others, like the ones called Pikachus, that seemed to exist only to populate the forests and drive out other creatures. Many creatures that had lived for a long time went extinct, and others became rare.

So I sat and watched, and knew that the world had gone out of control. Aruseus had become too powerful, and none of the creatures I had named were strong enough to stop it. The creature told the humans that Regigigas had to be sealed away, and they listened. Before long, the other three creatures, who were made from the humans' statues, were also sealed away.

I lived and ate the plants and the fungus alone for many years, watching Aruseus mold the humans into its slaves and convince them that it was something called a "god," and should be worshipped. I didn't understand any of this. Why would Aruseus want the humans to become its slaves, when it could just live peacefully with them like I had for so many years?

So I sat and watched as Aruseus and its followers rewrote history, making it look like Aruseus had created the world, and that Groudon had raised the landmass and Kyogre had created the oceans, and many other terrible lies.

Before even a hundred human generations had passed, nobody remembered that I had ever existed.

So I hid away, deep within a forest unknown to any human, and rested among the flowers, out of reach of Aruseus and all the lies, where I would remain until the end of time.
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As you clearly said at the begining, my thought was flipped around and bodyslammed. But only one thing: This isn't right. Now, I'm not judging your take on how everything wascreated, because you and I and everyone else can have any opinions, and I won't disrespect those thoughts, but just...this seems wrong. Now, I'm not going to regurgitate any dex entries at you, but tink of all the other things in games other than dex entries.

Such as that all Pokemon DNA comes from Mew, so it had to have been created first. Or that Aruseus is the god of all Pokemon, not just that it was named that. Or that Regigigas actually bonded the continents together, so it also had to have been first. Or that Groudon and Kyogre had a catacalismic battle that put them both to deep sleep, and that Rayquaza instead was the one who broke them up. Or the fact that Rayquaza was born of the Ozone.

I'm just saying, these aren't the dex entries I'm regurgitating, these are the true meanings of how the Pokemon world was made, which gets more precise every gen. Note that we only knew the role of Mew and how Pokemon were made back in the R/B/Y days, then we learned how Celebi managed time and forests, and Lugia set apart the birds. Then in Ru/Sa we find out that the earth was brought up by Groudon, and the seas were brought to life by Kyogre. Then Rayquaza let fresh air emit all around the world, and split up Groudon and Kyogre. And now, in D/P we learn that there really is a god among Pokemon, and that Groudon created land, but Regigigas bound it together. And how Dialga and Palkia must control the space and time continuoms or the fabric of time will split.

Overall though, after lecturing you and giving you my own perspective on what you did, and how it's not true, and how it really was made, I leave you with this: Kudos. You thought outside the box, outside the restrictions of what the games state of how the earth was created, and put your own spin on it. And that you thought this up yourself. 10/10 for effort and ideas and creativity. And again, kudos.

~fuzzy out~