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Shield your eyes...Dratini

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wow really good! i like how you made the eyes :)


Well-Known Member
Yay! One of the most adorable Pokemon ever! I would suggest making the difference of the widths of the head, neck, and body more distinct, but overall it's very cute and cute. ^^



Chaotic Dreamer
The brightness is cool as it is. Cute pic.


that was amazing! and cute! that is really bright and happy and unicorny (ya i know not a word) and reminds me of happy rainbows!

(i am a boy.) hint hint


Real great, you make me want to start hatching loads of dratini eggs just for the fun of it.

Catapult Turtle

AbLªh GenerªL
Aw, that is so cute! You really caught the spirit of a playful little Dratini in your pic. The light, the color- it goes well together. Good use of airbrush (assuming you used airbrush [in Photoshop, of course, some version or another])!
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