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Shien's Great Conquest - YGO OCG

Love Hina Fan

December Third...
Daishogun Shien
Daishogun Shien
Rokubushu - Yaichi
Rokubushu - Yaichi
Rokubushu - Yariza
Rokubushu - Nisashi
Rokubushu - Zanji
Rokubushu - Zanji
Rokubushu - Irou
Rokubushu - Irou
Shien’s Foot Soldier
Shien’s Foot Soldier
Exiled Force
Exiled Force
Command Knight
Breaker the Magical Warrior

Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Premature Burial
Mystical Space Typhoon
Famous Pitch Black Horse
Famous Pitch Black Horse
Shien’s Castle of Mists
Reinforcements of the Army
Reinforcements of the Army
The A. Forces
Book of Moon
Last Will
Nobleman of Crossout
Fuin no Ougonhitsu (Golden Chest of Sealing)
Fuin no Ougonhitsu (Golden Chest of Sealing)
Pot of Avarice

Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force
Ring of Destruction
Rokubushu Suisan! (Rokubushu Infringe!)
Rokubushu Suisan! (Rokubushu Infringe!)
Shippu! Kyotate (Swift! Fierce Sword Formation)
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