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New Member
offer i want 4 or more shinies for it

Darkrai Dream

Currently Training
Discussion of this is not alowed


Newest Shiny~
If it's legit (which I doubt) it IS allowed..

But it's probaly hacked


Johto Champion
offer i want 4 or more shinies for it

HAHAHAHAHA yea go get banned.

1. Rules state that Arceus is NOT obtainable yet so it is obviously hacked
2. You want to take something so rare as a shiny AND legit for that matter for something you made with Action Replay
3. I hope you get banned


New Member
1st off it was caught in hall of origin so once the event comes u cnt tell the dif 2nd i kwn its against the rules i really dnt care its just a game 3rd if i do get band oh well ill just have 2 make a new acct with another email


Johto Champion
1st off it was caught in hall of origin so once the event comes u cnt tell the dif 2nd i kwn its against the rules i really dnt care its just a game 3rd if i do get band oh well ill just have 2 make a new acct with another email

Rules are rules and yea i hope you get banned. HACKED POKEMON ARE NOT ALLOWED, and the absolute cheek to ask for 4 legit shinys for it -_-


New Member
I never asked for LEGIT shinies did i? i dnt really mind


New Member
Dude! I DONT CARE its just a game my God its not like its the NBA or sumtin sheesh do u really care that much?


Well-Known Member
Serveral rules broken. *reports*
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