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Shinies And Allot Of Them For Trade

jd kids

I'm Back!!!!!
chikorita for the cyndiquil


New Member
what can i get for my shiny deoxys lvl 100.it's also in english


Charizard Master
Tak Aburame i dont have tyrogue but ill trade 2 of them for that shiny totodile

Zanel its lv 100 :(

SoundDesign what lv is it?

The Brightest Bunny no

jd kids no deal


Charizard Master
Tak Aburame i dont have tyrogue but ill trade 2 of them for that shiny totodile

Zanel its lv 100 :(

SoundDesign what lv is it?

The Brightest Bunny no

jd kids no deal


Charizard Master
Tak Aburame i dont have tyrogue but ill trade 2 of them for that shiny totodile

Zanel its lv 100 :(

SoundDesign what lv is it?

The Brightest Bunny no

jd kids no deal


Charizard Master
jd kids Dont u like sceptile or charmander?

ShinyDeoxys13 what do u want

Tak Aburame chatot i can but not cyndaquil what else do u like


is it ev trained at all


Charizard Master
flamer101 ill be on a sec.

Zanel yes

jd kids interested in charizard? charmander is going to flamer101


what was it evd in