snubbaluba i like male ralts and torchic
shiny meganium for shiny cyndaquil?
Duskull is quiet nature
Croagunk is mild nature(not up for trade)
I have...
Shiny Shellder
Shiny Giraffarig
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Hondour
Shiny Aipom
Shiny PIkachu
Shiny Murkrow
Shiny Zangoose
Shiny treecko
Shiny Shuppet
Shiny Trapinch
Shiny Digglet
Shiny Lotad
Shiny Bulbasaur
Shiny Swablu
Shiny Unknown
Shiny Ditto Modest
Shiny Volbeat
Shiny Misdreavus
Shiny Ghastly
Shiny Snorlax
I like Shiny Skorupi and Shiny Croagunk
How about your shiny torchic, lucario, and zangoose for my shiny slowking, exploud, and wailord?