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Shinies And Allot Of Them For Trade

jd kids

I'm Back!!!!!
4210 0498 6153


New Member
redeyes, interested in any of these shinies?
palkia, rapidash, zubat, golbat, oddish, gloom, vileplume, bellossum, elekid, mightyena, swellow, electivire, shuckle.


New Member
i want your zangoose, and if possible the shiny ray, and shiny art.

i have these shinies
male ralts

i mainly want the zangoose, but the others would be good too.


what is the jirachi evd in plz and what are its stats


Charizard Master
jd kids ill be on in a sec

sriracha i like electivire

snubbaluba i like male ralts and torchic


New Member
ok, sorry it took me so long to respond. my internet went down for some reason. anyway, my fc is 0430 4872 3922. ill be on right away.


i might still trade gardy if you tell me evs of jirachi


Charizard Master
shiny meganium for shiny cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil is not up for trade and i got meganium now but i like ur shiny riolu what for it?

Zanel no deal sorry my jirachi was deleted trying to clone it ill pm u when iget another one :(
Last edited:


Charizard Master
Duskull is quiet nature
Croagunk is mild nature(not up for trade)


ok but i dont want a clone i want a one of a kind jirachi if possible if its cloned dont tell me k
I have...

Shiny Shellder
Shiny Giraffarig
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Hondour
Shiny Aipom
Shiny PIkachu
Shiny Murkrow
Shiny Zangoose
Shiny treecko
Shiny Shuppet
Shiny Trapinch
Shiny Digglet
Shiny Lotad
Shiny Bulbasaur
Shiny Swablu
Shiny Unknown
Shiny Ditto Modest
Shiny Volbeat
Shiny Misdreavus
Shiny Ghastly
Shiny Snorlax

I like Shiny Skorupi and Shiny Croagunk


Charizard Master
I have...

Shiny Shellder
Shiny Giraffarig
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Hondour
Shiny Aipom
Shiny PIkachu
Shiny Murkrow
Shiny Zangoose
Shiny treecko
Shiny Shuppet
Shiny Trapinch
Shiny Digglet
Shiny Lotad
Shiny Bulbasaur
Shiny Swablu
Shiny Unknown
Shiny Ditto Modest
Shiny Volbeat
Shiny Misdreavus
Shiny Ghastly
Shiny Snorlax

I like Shiny Skorupi and Shiny Croagunk

i like the eeve and croagunk is not for trade my skorupi i got in a trade its hacked does it matter?