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Shinies And Allot Of Them For Trade


hey can i please trade back shiny charmander for a shiny male ralts??.....
i didnt want a female shiny charmander..


Charizard Master
hey can i please trade back shiny charmander for a shiny male ralts??.....
i didnt want a female shiny charmander..

Sorry u shoud have specified cuz if u didnt ewant female i could had gave a shiny male charizard but a deal is a deal


Lone Wolf
Shiny Jolteon lv.65 for Shiny Chimchar?


agua masta'
shiny beldum for shiny turtwig or shiny chimchar but only if they are legit


Lone Wolf
I have shiny Charizard.....How about Staraptor?


New Member
what shiny legendaries will you give me for shiny mesprit lvl 100.


New Member
whats ur metagross atk?


New Member
whats ur metagross atk and lvl? charizards lvl gender and sp atk? ralts nature and gender?


Lone Wolf
Ummmm.........Gengar/cyndaquil. I dont like hacks...sorry.


New Member
red eyes black charizard I have A shiny mesprit lvl 100 That i got on wi-fi
Will you give me the shiny turt wig Shiny chimchar or shiny sceptile post back here with what you will part with for the shiny mesprit