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Shinies And Allot Of Them For Trade


Charizard Master
hey do you still need eevee lutions?
I can ask my sister, what evolution?

I need the shiny Milotic, nature?
fo you still see any pokemon in my shiny list?

cool thanks i need a shiny:Jolteon,Vaporeon,Leafeon,Flareon if u get any of those tell me please but i dont think ill trade the milotic only got 1

Night Wing I got both male and female male:brave female:quiet


i herd u liek mudkip
Hey, I've got a shiny vaporeon, want to trade your shiny buizel for it?

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Your Ninetales, Metagross, Ralts. Roselia and Sceptile for my:

Manectric, Pidgeot, Fearow, Vileplume and Bellossom.


Charizard Master
BrightPowder Mewtation i sended u a pm

davidw90uk im fresh out of charmanders sorry

MrJazzHands none of th ones u mentioned are tradeble

Night Avenger Roselia for Pidgeot Ninetales for Fearow

Scizor22 Traded it

sukimarochan i pmed u

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
I accept. My Friend Code is in my sig. Eres de Puerto Rico? XD Soy de Peru. Well, I'm adding you on MSN, please sign in so we can coordinate all the trades.