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Well-Known Member
looking for
Shiny gligar
Shiny sneasel
PBR pikachu
NYC mew
Space C deoxys
manaphy ID# hatched OT hatched
ROCKS metang ID# 02005
Hadou mew
eigakan darkrai ID# 07147 ********** will trade alot for this pokemon
shiny magmar
shiny drifloon
shiny togetic
shiny munchlax

Items im looking for
razor claw
reapers cloth
dubiscous disc
dawn stone

i have

shiny rayquaza*
shiny groudon*
shiny kyogre*
shiny ho-oh
shiny treecko*
shiny metagross
shiny sudowoodo*
shiny duskull
shiny magnemite*
shiny regirock*
shiny registeel*
shiny regice*
deoxys ( from birth island event )*
wishmker jirachi
shiny lileep*
shiny armaldo*
shiny meganium
shiny latios*
shiny absol*
shiny chinchou*
shiny electrike*
shiny wailord*
shiny smeargle*
shiny torkoal*
shiny ampharos*
shiny aggron*
shiny shiny voltorb*
shiny shroomish*
shiny seviper*
shiny ursaring*
mew ( from faraway island event )*
shiny chimecho*
shiny vulpix*
shiny marill*
shiny rhyhorn*
shiny graveler*
shiny solrock*

* = i have to migrate

my code is RKH 4467-7682-8068
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MC Bonehead

<--- Are they real?
which ones can you nickname? I have a shiny Vespiquen. And both razor claw and fang.
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The Master of Speed
Have Manaphy - untouched. For the shiny Meganium? If it's legit


Well-Known Member
I can take shiny vulpix I have a razor claw. Do you want any random pokemon to have it attached? I can give you a phione with it.


do you have any of my suggested pokemon to attach it to? becuase i would prefer that and i think shiny vulpix is already on my diamond

@ chin pokemon master shiny rayquaza is quiet natured lvl 100
@ aery whats the OT of it?
@ MC bonehead all of them


Don Ledianni
do you have any of my suggested pokemon to attach it to? becuase i would prefer that and i think shiny vulpix is already on my diamond

@ chin pokemon master shiny rayquaza is quiet natured lvl 100
@ aery whats the OT of it?
@ MC bonehead all of them

No, I don't. Sorry.


MC Bonehead

<--- Are they real?
can you nickname the magnemite?


Dragon trainer
I'll trade you a 2 razor claws, dawn stone and a reapercloth for the shiny absol?

MC Bonehead

<--- Are they real?
well just equip it to any random pokemon

when can you get online? cause i have shiny vulpix on diamond

@ j-rod is it from PBR?

@ mc bonehead yes i can nickname each and EVERY one of them

can i also get a shroomish too? What level is it and gender?


Dragon trainer
I'm really sorry but no.


Don Ledianni
well just equip it to any random pokemon

when can you get online? cause i have shiny vulpix on diamond

@ j-rod is it from PBR?

@ mc bonehead yes i can nickname each and EVERY one of them

I can go on now.

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