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Shinies, Shinies, Shinies

I have these up for trade

Shiny Turtwig X2
Shiny Piplup
Shiny Staraptor
Shiny Drapion
Shiny Vespiquen
Shiny Onix
Shiny Goedude
Shiny Dratini
Shiny Dodrio
Shiny Pidgeotto
Shiny Bronzong
Shiny Roselia

Looking for shinies.
shiny yanmega for drapion or vespiquen?
sukimarochan - Ill do my turtwig for your phanpy

lvpokefan24 - Ill give you vespiquen for it.

nitemare92 - no thanks
k use my diamond code please
ill be on in 1 min
No thanks i already got a shiny bulbasaur. ill be on in a minute


<- He want da cookie
Your shiny Piplup and Turtwig for my shiny Lugia?


<- He want da cookie
Well shiny Shinx for Piplup?


i'll trade you a shiny salamence for your shiny dratini?


shiny charmander for shiny drat?


bold, lv 5