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Shining Charmander's


God of Thunder
Earlier, I had a thread about my two shining Charmander's, but the forum lagged the crap outta me so much that I don't know where it is now.

Anyhow, the two that I have are Rash and Hasty, both with Growl, Overheat, Rockslide, and Aerial Ace.

EDIT:Guys, you CAN offer non-shiny Pokemon! It's neat to get Shiny Pokemon, but you don't hafta offer them!
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I got Mew, Deoxys, starters, legendaries, shiny Zubat and shiny Tentacruel for either! Hm, preferably Hasty-natured.


God of Thunder
Mudkip man: Nah, I never really liked Vileplume. And dealing with the starters, I already have 'em all.

Kuro Kaoru: Recently, I've only wanted two Pokemon, both of which are shiny. They're Espeon and Umbreon, both of which no one would trade for a shiny Charmander. That's why I didn't list em.

Ookami Shounin: It depends on the nature of the Staryu. If it ends up having a crap nature, I'll probably pass.

The Yeti: I've got all the starters, care not for the Legendaries (unless they're event versions), and have a shining Zubat. Tentacruel would be neat, but I can guarantee I wouldn't use him in the long run.


God of Thunder
I've already got a shiny Ghastly, but that Celebi's really interesting. Lemme think about that one.


My Mew is a MYSTRY Mew from TRU if that counts as an event, and I also have a Wailord from some event... I'll do a multi-Poke trade if ya like. If you're looking for anything besides shiny Umbreon/Espeon let me know, I have quite the variety of stuff. ^^


God of Thunder
I've already got a MYSTRY Mew. When it comes to multi-pokemon trades, it depends on the Pokemon and how much I'll use 'em.

Lastly, I've already got those three, serpentious.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Ho-oh or Celebi? [[Not shiny]] both legit events, untouched.


God of Thunder
Again, I don't want Pokemon that I won't use.

Guys, you CAN offer non-shiny Pokemon! It's neat to get Shiny Pokemon, but you don't hafta offer them!