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Shining Onslaught: Prerelease ~ Charizard "star"


Card Faker
In a time no one was expecting, a new surge in Shiny-type Pokemon was suddenly discovered. Old Pokemon no longer conformed to their elemental abilities and began to exhibit powers no one -- not even the most renowned of researchers -- had ever anticipated.

Will you be able to master this brand new power?

Bringing to you, the first ever prerelease, as well as the first ever collaboration between Shadowshocker and myself...


Pokemon Artification: Shadowshocker
Lightnitising: Shadowshocker
Statistickating: Shadowshocker
Compository: Venomind
Background Huntdownification: Venomwind
Blankitating: Pokemon Zeo, Fangking Omega
Symbollision: Fangking Omega


Strictly, we're not specifically calling them "shining" Pokemon like the trading card game calls them. The main idea behind these cards is to change a Pokemon's type according to their shiny colours -- so Charizard would be part Dark and part Electric (from its earlier evolutions' golden shade). However, after some discussion, we eventually agreed that the mechanics we were using would be like an extremified version of Delta Species -- so Charizard (S) will be amended, once we can find the time.


Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Strictly, we're not specifically calling them "shining" Pokemon like the trading card game calls them. The main idea behind these cards is to change a Pokemon's type according to their shiny colours -- so Charizard would be part Dark and part Electric (from its earlier evolutions' golden shade). However, after some discussion, we eventually agreed that the mechanics we were using would be like an extremified version of Delta Species -- so Charizard (S) will be amended, once we can find the time.


That's actually quite a good idea. I like that.


Thanks, Cipher. I was hoping to turn it into a Pokemon Acanthite forumwide project, but it's really open to anyone who's willing to contribute statistics and art. (I'm taking care of elemental typing. :p)

Speaking of which, I owe the inspiration of this to thegreatchikorita and his idea of "Shiny Nightmares", where he recolourised Pokemon to fit their type. Thanks.


Officially The Worst
I love the charizard, just its eye seems a little dodgy.
The moves are also very cool and it would easily fit into the real game


extremly good, but should be delta and not evolve from shining charmeleon.. but oh well, not like its real so i give it 9/10

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Strictly, we're not specifically calling them "shining" Pokemon like the trading card game calls them. The main idea behind these cards is to change a Pokemon's type according to their shiny colours -- so Charizard would be part Dark and part Electric (from its earlier evolutions' golden shade). However, after some discussion, we eventually agreed that the mechanics we were using would be like an extremified version of Delta Species -- so Charizard (S) will be amended, once we can find the time.

Did you not read that?