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Shinou Team


Defender of Justice
In my ongoing personal fanfic, my main character (after a lot of training now the world champion) is about to enter Shinou. Since he already has pokemon, his current team is this:

Squirtle (first pokemon, never evolved)

I'd like to use Masukippa and possibly a starter, but I'm at a loss for what to place in the remaining slots - any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you'll include an origonal Shinou plot..

But hey use some underdogs like, Togetic, Pinser, Machamp, Wigglytuff, ect..


Really and truly
:/ Oh come now, you don't need our advice for everything in a fic! Honestly, it isn't our story, it's yours! It's up to you as to what Pokémon to include and whatnot!

Choose interesting Pokémon that will fit into your plot! If your character is first going to a frozen wasteland during his journey, he won't exactly find Fire-typ,es will he? Decide where he's going in Shinou, and pick Pokémon you think may be found there!
And have him catch something he would like. If he likes strong-looking Pokémon, he isn't going to want to catch a Togekiss or Bonsley, is he?

If you want our advice, try to give us a few more details about the fic in general, the characters involved, where it takes place/has taken place, a bit about the history of the land and characters...just something.
I mean, we don't even know how long he's been a trainer for! If he's 13, and started his journey at 10, he would have more than a Squirtle and Magmar, and an evolved Squirtle, at that.

...and CrystalSaurTower? Those aren't underdogs...they're underused. But not really. :/


Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
and started his journey at 10, he would have more than a Squirtle and Magmar, and an evolved Squirtle, at that.

Not nescisarily, I mean anime wise, it doesn't matter if the pokemon is evolved or not, it still has a chance to be as strong as anything. Or what if he doesn't want to evolve/doesn't want to evolve it.

Anyways Squirtleking, some real advice, if you're gonna make a serious trainer fic, don't jump into the DP world already, it'd be best to wait for the pokemon and attacks to recive english names and such.

And Psychic, underdogs and underused seem to be the same thing really :p as underused are usually weak and underdogs are considered weak/underestimated, and I just got offtopic so I'll stfu.


Defender of Justice
Thanks everyone!

To answer the questions, the main character Andrew has been training for about 8 years now and has already battled his way across the first three regions, plus the Orange Islands and Orre. Learning of Shinou, he has set off with only his Squirtle, who has chosen to never evolve, and his Magmar, usually an Oaked pokemon which has chosen to accompany him.

Andrew's pokemon mostly start off small and relatively weak, evolving and becoming far stronger later in the region.


Bird Master
Personally I reckon you shouldn't use the Shinou Pokemon until you know more about them. Their english names for example, Pokedex entries...


Emerald Shinigami
Actually, whenever I write a fanfiction, I try to stick to the original names as much as I can. When Rukario became the horrible Lucario, I stuck with the original, not because it sounds cooler, but it's where it started from. For example, I never called Haruka, May in my fanfiction before just because. Tezza is right about learning more about them though, just because they're still considered new. Or you could make some of your own Fakemon! That's fun too.


Really and truly
Yami Ryu said:
Not nescisarily, I mean anime wise, it doesn't matter if the pokemon is evolved or not, it still has a chance to be as strong as anything. Or what if he doesn't want to evolve/doesn't want to evolve it.
Rawrm no it doesn't matter, but squirtleking never gave a reason for us not to think that Squirtle would have evolved. Of course Pokémon aren't all forced to evolve, but usually trainers will have them evolve, because you usually look 'cooler' or are 'more powerful' in their opinion.

But now that squirtleking has provided us with some more details, things are much clearer, and there is an actual reason for Squirtle not even being a Wartortle, even though the kid's been training for a whopping 8 years.

Yami Ryu said:
And Psychic, underdogs and underused seem to be the same thing really :p as underused are usually weak and underdogs are considered weak/underestimated, and I just got offtopic so I'll stfu.
Not at all, Yams. ^.~
Underdog = not expeected to win.
Underused = rarely appears.

Electrode, Cacturn and Cloyster are pretty strong, but are rarely seen in fics, or at least in my experiences. But if faced against a Persian, I think they would probably generally win. *shrugs*

Just one last question for squirtleking: So then your main character has lots of other Pokémon that he has caught during his 8 years, but he just chose those two out of all of them to take to Shinou?
It would certainly make more sene that way...

Oh, and last question for real: if you still want to go through with writing this and still want our help on choosing a tea, tell us a bit more about your character's personality, battling style and so on. If he likes to inflict status problems on foes and wait them out, he wouldn't exactly have Pokémon who are all-out offensive like Golem or Aggron. :p

But so you know, I don't even know if this sort of story would appeal to many readers. The kid has been a trainer for eight years already, and is therefore probably skilled and experienced by now. I don't think those make as interesting reads as fics where a kid is just starting off or something. *shrugs*



Defender of Justice
What do you know - he does have a Golem and Aggron!

It depends on which pokemon he's using; in most cases he simply charges in and relies on brute strength and speed to win, but in the case of say Ninjask or his unevolved pokemon, he prefers to use more strategy, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Squirtle was chosen because it was his starter, Magmar because of its power and strong track record (it's won a fair few fights, even against water types). When starting a new region, Andrew prefers to just take a maximum of three old pokemon rather than using his most powerful ones, because in a way that would be cheating (and where's the fun in using ubers against early gym leaders anyway?)