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shiny charizard and gastly


70+ shinies
Shiny Golem or the Charizard!? Please!
no thanks i have one
Wich lv is Gastly and do you want to trade your shiny metagross for my shiny exploud or politoed? i got also other shinies.
Or Gyarados,Beedrill,Duskull or Raikou?
PM me if you want to trade!
the gastly is level 19 and i dont think ill trade my metagross


Have fun or DIE!!
yo is this the same letios is awsome who was soposed to trade me awhile back ??????


Have fun or DIE!!
yo is this the same letios is awsome who was soposed to trade me awhile back ??????


« Next hunt.
Shiny Pidgey/Poochyena for Gastly.